severe peripheral neuropathy and vitamin B6

Posted by pain3relief @pain3relief, Feb 9 10:43pm

I suffer from severe peripheral neuropathy and have heard that B6 can have an effect on neuropathy.

I take multivitamin and magnesium supplements, that have over 60mg of B6. The RDI is 1.7mg.

Does anyone have any information or references that B6 would be adverse to my condition.


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How often do you have the B12 injection

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Every 2 weeks, my prescription is for Cyanocobalamin 1,000 MCG/ML VL


B6 tested and found to be toxic. Stay away from vitamins with B complex


Why are the B6 blood tests so pricy at private labs? Wanted to get one pronto, but too expensive, I guess I’ll have to get into primary soon, so insurance will cover it. I’ve tested for B12 and D. Taking supplements for those and they are now ok.

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