Severe illness after surgery with daily fevers, for 3.5 years

Posted by 303wendy @303wendy, Jun 2, 2024

I had functional sinus surgery 3.5 years ago and immediately became very sick to the point I was bedridden for 3 months with fever, sinus pain, pressure and green mucus. Also light sensitivity, a constant dull headache and severe shooting head pains at the top of my head. Also intermittent laryngitis, constant sore throat, thick post nasal drip that is often yellow. I lost more than 1/2 of my hair and became euthyroid sick. Nose cultures showed staph infections that were susceptible to antibiotics. I've taken so many courses of antibiotics in 3 years I have lost count. Antibiotics always make me feel better, but not all the way. I've taken antifungals which often make me feel somewhat better, and at times much better, but again, not all the way.

In the course of trying to get a diagnosis and therefor treatment, I was found to have a mild version of cystic fibrosis, and am under the care of a CF clinic now.

Sinus CT scans show no infection pockets, but always inflammation. I have an immunologist looking into a possible problem with my immune system, as my complement C4 is low.

I suspected I might have MCAS, but my tryptase and n-methyl urine tests came back normal.

Anyone hear ever deal with long term illness/fever that was hard to diagnose?

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