Severe abdominal pain pain for 8 years after gallbladder removal

Posted by tammyt1967 @tammyt1967, Aug 2, 2023

I have been in excruciating burning abdominal pain wrapping around my right side to my back. And through my shoulder blades, headaches, Dizziness, disoriented, muscle aches and weakness, numbness, tingling in arms,chills followed by flushing heat and sweating on abdomen, bouts of low grade fever, adrenaline rushes at night waking me up. And at times lasted through the day, for 8 years now after having my gallbladder removed. I have had imagine, blood test, stool test. No answers. Endoscopy showed inflammation of my stomach lining peptic and doudeum ulcers. I have been prescribed several different acid reducers. And taken them off and on for 8 years which cause side effects and don't really help. I have to force myself to function everyday. When I have a bad flare I loss weight rapidly getting down to 90 pounds. Despite eating every 2 hours. I have to pressure cook my food to make it soft so I can digest it. I only eat whole organic fruits and vegetables. Organic chicken and baked salmon. I can not leave my house before noon because I can't get away from the bathroom. This effects my job and has caused financial issues. That pain is so at times my brain tells me the only way out is death. But that is not an option for. I am a single mother and my youngest daughter has multiple sclerosis and needs me. But I feel like this is slowly killing me. And can not get the help that I need from the medical community where I live.

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Is there anyone out there that has had the same issues after gallbladder removal? I feel so alone.


I ended up having bile reflux after having my GB taken out, thus resulting in a major surgery to reconstruction the duct to avoid this bile build up. I still have issues, and am dealing with a flare up of what could be scar tissue obstructing things from that surgery 3 years ago. But all my GI stuff started about 7 months after GB removal. I wish I would not have had this done and maybe tried some other things before having it removed. Check to see if you have sphincter of oddi dysfunction, I had that as well but then led to bile reflux.

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