Seroquel/Quetiapine Generic Brand issues for sleep

Posted by lickitysplit @lickitysplit, Jul 24, 2023

Hi All,

Long story short. I developed stress related insomnia in 2020. My dr. prescribed Quetiapine 25mg made by Apotex (literally the smallest pill I've seen. Barley fit in the pill cutter). It worked great. 1 full pill would literally shut the lights off, it always felt like a trap door would open under me and I would fall through it and next thing I knew I was shutting my alarm off wondering what day it was.

Once I had my stress under control I tapered down to 1/4 of a tablet and eventually off. Once in a while the stress would pop up and I'd take a 1/4 again and be sleeping great.

Fast forward 2.5 years later and I still had the same prescription. I had a huge ongoing stressor (mom sick and eventually passed all within 3 months).

Anyway, While she was sick I was taking the 1/4 tab and it was keeping me sleeping though all of this. About a month into this I started running out so I refilled my prescription. The pills were/are still made by Apotex but are different. Different colour and slightly bigger. I honestly thought nothing of it. Actually I was happy that they'd be easier to cut in the pill cutter.

I take 1/4 the same day like I had been and nothing happens. No sleep, no nothing. so I took another 1/2 pills until I somehow passed out. Thinking this was weird I took 3/4 of a pill next day and nothing again. Definitely felt the drugs kick in but no sleep. Just drugged.

This goes on for weeks while I'm coping with my mom. Some nights taking 1.5 pills, 2, Trying to go to bed, getting up, couch pills etc.

I'll skip the inbetween I talked to the pharmacist recently. One thing she noted that the Drug Identification Number (DIN) has changed. She mentioned this happens for a multitude of reasons but one being a formula switch.

In an effort to sleep my dr prescribed Ativan and I've had mixed results and would like to get back to Quetiapine.

Yesterday I grabbed 2 other brand Quetiapine. Sivem 25mg and Jamp. I only had 1 Sivem to try since I explained to the pharmacist what the problem was and he game me one to try.

I tried the Sivem yesterday. I feel like I got pretty sleepy quite fast and maybe missed my window of sleep. I was head bobbing for about 15 - 20 min. Then packed up and went to bed. I was quite comfortable laying there for about 30 minutes then came the restlessness so I got up and had to take some ativan. and even then I only slept from 12 - 3:30 and don't know why.

I haven't tried the other one yet. I'm not sure if I should do it tonight or try to get some actual sleep and give it a go tomorrow.

Has anyone had anything like this happen? And also what brand Quetiapine do you all use? Doe anyone have or remember that tiny, tiny pill? I'm hoping someone else makes it the same way.

The old pill was APO-Quetiapine DIN - 02313901


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