Sensations in your body.

You asked what is a body scan. The most common use is as part of a meditation practice called mindfulness. It means that you, through a leader-guided experience or a recording, mentally scan your body with awareness, looking and listening for sensations that describe how your body parts are feeling and working. The purpose is for you to be aware of what is going on in your body. Should anything be aroused that may need attention, you may want to watch it and see if it re-occurs. Here is a link for this practice. Have a restful sleep. Chris


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@skier Above is a repeat of a previous post I created to explain what we do with sensations. It is also time to celebrate your acceptance to the Mayo pain program. I hope your experience will be worth every minute.


@skier Above is a repeat of a previous post I created to explain what we do with sensations. It is also time to celebrate your acceptance to the Mayo pain program. I hope your experience will be worth every minute.

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Hey @artscape, so kind of you to share the body scan technique explanation, feeling sensations and providing the link to the body scan podcast. I plan to listen to this body scan podcast and others often. Thanks again for thinking of me.

More info tomorrow from PRC's admission's office on start date and other stuff.

Thanks for sharing,

Roger @skier


Thanks Chris, I find your posts so healing.
Be well.

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