Second guessing or being sure.

Posted by kjacko @kjacko, Oct 31, 2023

I am scheduled to have my prostate removed next week. In the past few days I have received comments from a number of men who have a similar situation to me. They ended having additional testing on their cancerous prostate and were told they didn’t need surgery, either because their Gleason score was lower than first reported or their cancer was determined to be very slow growing. I started wondering if I should get another opinion. I know it’s close to surgery time but I want to do what will provide me with the best outcome. My biggest fear is that if I do get another opinion and they agree surgery is best, I might regret doing it in the first place. I don’t know if this is being smart or as the day of surgery gets closer, I’m having “buyer’s remorse”. Any of you ever felt this way? Thanks for responding.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

Hopefully you've been warned about the black and blue/swellling of the penis and testicles. I can't say it caught me unaware, but the size things became was surprising.


Hopefully you've been warned about the black and blue/swellling of the penis and testicles. I can't say it caught me unaware, but the size things became was surprising.

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Never was informed of that. Mine seem to be a little darker but not “black and blue”. I have complete confidence in my doctor. Everything he told me to expect post surgery has occurred, although not very severe. I never needed any prescribed pain medication. Surprisingly, the day after surgery and two days after that I had some sex “twinge” down there. Four more days until the catheter is removed. 🙏🤞


Good luck w/the 'procedure' & pray it goes well!

FWIW I read a FAQ about swelling - read something like:
" If you can still see the tip of your penis you are probably OK"


I have a leg bag and a night bag. The leg bag has worked good enough that I haven’t changed them at night. My dog realizes something is wrong with his papa and has been really good. Thursday it comes off. 🙏🤞

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@kjacko, how did the catheter removal go? How are you doing today?


@kjacko, how did the catheter removal go? How are you doing today?

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Doctor removed it in 5 seconds. Didn’t even know it was removed. Since it was removed yesterday morning, I have had zero leakage.🤞Hoping it continues.

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