Seborrheic Keratosis Help!

Posted by crystalranae @crystalranae, Feb 20 11:19am

Has anyone found anything that truly works to get rid of Seborrheic keratosis? I have 100’s on my arms and legs and now they are starting on my stomach. I refuse to wear short sleeves or shorts because they are so ugly😢 They are taking over my body and I can’t find any help.

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crystalranae, Bless you. There are actually some Dermatologists that will freeze these with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy). You risk the chance of leaving scars if they are very thick. If they are small, you will probably be ok. I think Laser Surgery can be used as well.

If they are itching, burning, bleeding or oozing, insurance will cover the removal. If not, you will pay out of pocket to have them removed. I think laser surgery can be used as well.

My Dermatologist actually sells a gel called Xerosis Gel with Lactic Acid, Urea & Aloe Vera as ingredients that has helped mine. I had to pay out of pocket. It will irritate the skin and you have to apply it daily for a while. The skin will start peeling and the keratosis will peel off....only if it is not real thick and if it's small. I have had good results with this on some of mine on my arms and hands. Perhaps you could call around and see if any Dermatologists or Plastic Surgeons sell this gel.

I wish you the best. Blessings & Prayers......


Liquid nitrogen spray works best for mine. If you have such a great number it could be expensive. Scarring not common with mine.


crystalranae, Bless you. There are actually some Dermatologists that will freeze these with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy). You risk the chance of leaving scars if they are very thick. If they are small, you will probably be ok. I think Laser Surgery can be used as well.

If they are itching, burning, bleeding or oozing, insurance will cover the removal. If not, you will pay out of pocket to have them removed. I think laser surgery can be used as well.

My Dermatologist actually sells a gel called Xerosis Gel with Lactic Acid, Urea & Aloe Vera as ingredients that has helped mine. I had to pay out of pocket. It will irritate the skin and you have to apply it daily for a while. The skin will start peeling and the keratosis will peel off....only if it is not real thick and if it's small. I have had good results with this on some of mine on my arms and hands. Perhaps you could call around and see if any Dermatologists or Plastic Surgeons sell this gel.

I wish you the best. Blessings & Prayers......

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate all of your advice.
God bless you too❤️


Liquid nitrogen spray works best for mine. If you have such a great number it could be expensive. Scarring not common with mine.

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Thank you so much!


I'm old now so it doesn't matter as much anymore. I started getting SKs in my 30s I had a large one on my back for about ten years that turned out to be a melanoma in my early 50s. I had so many that the surgeon who removed it commented that I was a "dermatologist's annuity". I have even more now. I have had 7 or 8 dermatologists and none of them recommended removing them by any method "because they would likely come back". A couple years ago a derm tried to surgically remove one a little larger than a quarter from my ribcage. He worked on it for a long time, lots of blood, and it took forever to heal. Bad idea. My brother had a lot but not as many as me. His daughter apparently has a bunch as well. Both of his daughters have ad melanomas. It seems a lot of these skin problems run in families. I've also had a lot of Basal Cell Carcinomas. Sorry to sound so pessimistic, but you should be prepared for what might happen.


I'm old now so it doesn't matter as much anymore. I started getting SKs in my 30s I had a large one on my back for about ten years that turned out to be a melanoma in my early 50s. I had so many that the surgeon who removed it commented that I was a "dermatologist's annuity". I have even more now. I have had 7 or 8 dermatologists and none of them recommended removing them by any method "because they would likely come back". A couple years ago a derm tried to surgically remove one a little larger than a quarter from my ribcage. He worked on it for a long time, lots of blood, and it took forever to heal. Bad idea. My brother had a lot but not as many as me. His daughter apparently has a bunch as well. Both of his daughters have ad melanomas. It seems a lot of these skin problems run in families. I've also had a lot of Basal Cell Carcinomas. Sorry to sound so pessimistic, but you should be prepared for what might happen.

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Some places I’ve read SK doesn’t ever turn into melanoma…. Other places say it does.
You are proof that they do.(like i thought) How did they look when they turned into melanoma?
And thank you so much for your post!


Seborrheic keratoses do not turn into melanomas. They do seem more
common and numerous in some families.
The confusion arises from the coloration hues and textures. Seb kers can
look something like melanomas. Melanoma can appear like a seborrheic keratosis. If a patient has multiple moles or nevi and also keratoses that
could make prompt diagnosis less likely if nobody spots things changing.
Hard to see the forest through the trees. Even a skilled skin specialist may
need to do a biopsy or use specialized optics to sort out the difference.
Patients with both issues should get yearly skin exams.
When the doctor is sure the lesion is just an irritated seborrheic it can be watched or frozen. When they are not sure it’s time to remove.


Some places I’ve read SK doesn’t ever turn into melanoma…. Other places say it does.
You are proof that they do.(like i thought) How did they look when they turned into melanoma?
And thank you so much for your post!

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Not so sure it's proof. It could have been a melanoma all along and just looked like the other SKs . It got really ugly at the end and started bleeding. I'll try to attach a photo.


I was diagnosed with Seborriac keritosis about 20 yrs ago. It didn’t bother me too much for awhile. My dermatologist froze them off but the past 5 - 6 yrs ,they have increased in number. The lesions are multiplying like weeds. They are on my back, sides, under breasts and most recently my scalp. They itch furiously. I am quilty of scratching . They bleed. Now I have ugly hard scabs that are big and rub my clothes. Very uncomfortable and unsightly. I cover myself from just below neck. I am wondering if they will ever stop. I am 84 years old. Please someone help me. I need to get a full nights sleep without itching.


It might help to ask a dermatologist for symptomatic
relief of the itching. Itch is related to pain. Review your
list of medication to see if any are contributing to itch.
As seniors we are more susceptible to side effects of
multiple medications. Topical medication can be the safest approach. There are some newer options approved in recent years for palliation of itch. Inquire
about melatonin or oral meds and safe dosing or
drug interactions.

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