Scared about surgery for thyroid cancer: What helps recovery?

Posted by littleoreo2021 @littleoreo2021, Mar 12, 2023

I recently diagnosed with thyroid cancer and my lymph node is sticking out. Suppose to find out when surgery is this week. I'm just really scared about the hole thing. HElP!!

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Hi @littleoreo2021, I wanted to check in on you. I see that your surgery has been scheduled for the end of April, but that you've been referred to an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist first. You mention scar tissue.

Have you seen the ENT specialist? What type of surgery will you have? Lobectomy to remove a lobe of thyroid or a thyroidectomy to remove the whole thyroid?

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I'm supposed to have my thyroid removed and on my left side of my neck have a lymph removed. Then take a radiation pill.


Have to see a ear nose añd throat specialist scare tissue before surgery. Should I be concerned? Surgery is at the end of April.

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My wife had a thyroidectomy and is seeing an ENT next week just before taking the radioactive iodine pill. Hopefully the ENT will confirm normal healing post surgery of the incision area, scar area and the damaged and strained vocal nerve.


Hi @littleoreo2021, I wanted to check in on you. I see that your surgery has been scheduled for the end of April, but that you've been referred to an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist first. You mention scar tissue.

Have you seen the ENT specialist? What type of surgery will you have? Lobectomy to remove a lobe of thyroid or a thyroidectomy to remove the whole thyroid?

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I'm supposed to have my thyroid removed.


I'm supposed to have my thyroid removed.

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You should be ok. Try to get several opinions from experienced surgeons if you haven’t already. We learned so much about our options and the entire process by interviewing several surgeons. Best of luck to you.


Have to see a ear nose añd throat specialist scare tissue before surgery. Should I be concerned? Surgery is at the end of April.

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ENT exams were recommended by two of the surgeons that we interviewed so it seems to be standard practice for some surgeons. I don’t think it’s anything to be concerned about as they are being extra careful and thorough.


I'm supposed to have my thyroid removed.

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Don't be scared. It really is a simple surgery. Well, no surgery is simple, but the least troublesome of all my surgeries. I went in the operating room and 3 hours later walked to the car. Two weeks after the surgery you will use a scare cream for 3 months and massage scar. My friend had her surgery 35 years ago and is fine. Be calm.


In 1995 at age 45 I had a substernal thyroidectomy (partial) for papillary thyroid cancer. The left lobe was removed and I have been clear ever since. I have not had to take any medication for the thyroid. The surgery was simple (as far as surgeries go) and the recovery was quick.
Thyroid cancer is among the most treatable cancers, . . . good luck to all.


I'm seeing the ENT on the 5th of April. Surgery on 26th,

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My wife had a thyroidectomy in February. All things considered, she said the surgery was fine and her healing after surgery has been smooth. She stayed in the hospital overnight. Her voice is slowly coming back, which is normal for her specific situation. Best of luck on the 26th, things should be fine with you.

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