Scar tissue in throat caused by radiation and chemo treatment

Posted by keith123 @keith123, Jan 22, 2019

Is there anything done to remove scar tissue so you can eat?

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I’ve become so frustrated with my medical care. Suffering long term side effects after head and neck surgeries and radiation. Experiencing continued shoulder shrugs on how to treat or manage this
except for PT which I am doing. What I am finding through internet research that there are other treatments to at least safely try. More shoulder shrugs when I bring the topics up. Medical centers need to think about a patient long term and what happens to them down the road.. I’m more then a dollar sign for initial surgery and radiation treatment. Angry

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@nnurse I agree 100% with your comment about doctors. I find it is ALL doctors now. If it is not within their realm they won't even look at the labs. It's like they're afraid to step on the toes of another doctor, forget about the patient. I believe they honestly don't know what to do if the textbook outcome is not what they expected. Having an illness or being sick in todays world is literally putting your life on the line. What happened to the good ole doctors who knew EVERYTHING!!?


THANK YOU SO MUCH for the tip on how to stop the spasms of the larynx!!! When they happen it's so terrifying as I cannot catch a breath except very very slowly thru my nose with my chin down on my chest.
Now plz. turn me on to what to do about the very very annoying tickle, itch in the throat that renders me to cough uncontrollably and no amount of liquids stops it. Comes and goes as it pleases.
Past: Esophageal cancer & removal of it: 2019
Present / current: Throat cancer (next to but not the larynx). Daily radiation, weekly chemo treatments just recently finished.

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@lori57216 i found this recipe for a cough syrup. Maybe it would help!


I had stage 4 esophageal cancer as well. I'm suffering from scar tissue issues and have been living with a trach for 6 months.My doctor has told me it's permanent...without even suggesting any alternatives. I also have a feeding tube and am currently only allowed thick liquidy substances.

I have been reading about oesophagus stretching. Is it on-going process? What has it been like for you?

I am not going to throw in the towel until I have explored other options. I don't believe any doctor has the ability to dictate an absolute.

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So far I've had 5 stretchings since my Stage 4 esophageal surgery. They are very helpful. At first the benefit of being able to swallow easier wasn't too great but got much better with each stretching. I actually went 9 months between stretchings recently. It's a godsend. Done under light sedation (Propofol usually) so recovery is good. I hope you can find alternatives to the trach - living with a trach is not good. I had one for the 2 mo. I was in a coma after my surgery. I've dealt with many health issues in my life and I am always open to new ideas and new doctors if need be. I need docs who think outside the box & really listen to your needs. It could mean seeing other doctors till you get resolutions. I wish you good luck with that. It is doable!



@lori57216, has the annoying tickle diminished since finishing treatment?

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No Colleen they haven't. I'm sorry for the delay in my response to your question as for some reason I'm just seeing this now.
I have my first scans after tx the end of Sept. I'm rather scared we didn't get all the cancer as the reason for the nasal cavity scope to check in the first place was because of the nagging throat itching.......... and it persists................
I did notice that one of our esteemed members of this board mentioned perhaps an allergic reaction to my bed.............. don't matter where I am. I mentioned it kept me up at night because it's annoying in the first place and then to have it wake me up and keep me awake is enough to make me say bad words.
Still trying to live the dream.......... as we all should 😉
the dreams have just changed.


That's what I have noticed. They have all these tools to fight cancer, but not much to deal with the aftermath of the treatment.

I am well aware of the shoulder shrug and blank stare when asked about side affects.

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I’ve become so frustrated with my medical care. Suffering long term side effects after head and neck surgeries and radiation. Experiencing continued shoulder shrugs on how to treat or manage this
except for PT which I am doing. What I am finding through internet research that there are other treatments to at least safely try. More shoulder shrugs when I bring the topics up. Medical centers need to think about a patient long term and what happens to them down the road.. I’m more then a dollar sign for initial surgery and radiation treatment. Angry


I had stage 4 esophageal cancer as well. I'm suffering from scar tissue issues and have been living with a trach for 6 months.My doctor has told me it's permanent...without even suggesting any alternatives. I also have a feeding tube and am currently only allowed thick liquidy substances.

I have been reading about oesophagus stretching. Is it on-going process? What has it been like for you?

I am not going to throw in the towel until I have explored other options. I don't believe any doctor has the ability to dictate an absolute.

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I've got throat cancer and multiple myeloma since 2019. I had radiation, chemp, neck dissection, more chemo, more radiation and immunotherapy. I had a feeding tube for 15 months and esophagus stretching after my frst round of radiation/chemo-about 8 gtimes-it helped, but I still had the feeding tube. The second round of radiation/chemo/Keytruda in
2021 didn't work as needed . My breathing was labored and I needed a trache. I had and have the same question about its permanence. I've accepted it-I can't swim, but don't need a CPAP any more either. It is a distinguishing cosmetic feature-good and bad. Trache maintenance isn't as burdensome as it may seem, but neither is my breathing. I can run up steps, walk long distances, golf and do anything on land. let me know if yu want to know more of my experiencce. The thought of a trache revolted me at first, but that's what it took-end of story.


So sorry to hear what you and your husband are going through! I wonder how he's doing by now. I've found that even though I ask questions, many times the answer is a glum stare, a shrug, or simply, this is one of the long-term effects of radiation treatment. It begins to feel like Drs. treat what they can and they they can be done--they don't have to deal with the aftermath, which is ongoing and terrible.

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That's what I have noticed. They have all these tools to fight cancer, but not much to deal with the aftermath of the treatment.

I am well aware of the shoulder shrug and blank stare when asked about side affects.


I had some scar tissue after chem/radiation/major surgery for Stage 4 esophageal cancer. During my recovery, I had my esophagus stretched under sedation. During 1 of the stretchings, the doctor broke thru the scar tissue and my swallowing was much better.

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I had stage 4 esophageal cancer as well. I'm suffering from scar tissue issues and have been living with a trach for 6 months.My doctor has told me it's permanent...without even suggesting any alternatives. I also have a feeding tube and am currently only allowed thick liquidy substances.

I have been reading about oesophagus stretching. Is it on-going process? What has it been like for you?

I am not going to throw in the towel until I have explored other options. I don't believe any doctor has the ability to dictate an absolute.


THANK YOU SO MUCH for the tip on how to stop the spasms of the larynx!!! When they happen it's so terrifying as I cannot catch a breath except very very slowly thru my nose with my chin down on my chest.
Now plz. turn me on to what to do about the very very annoying tickle, itch in the throat that renders me to cough uncontrollably and no amount of liquids stops it. Comes and goes as it pleases.
Past: Esophageal cancer & removal of it: 2019
Present / current: Throat cancer (next to but not the larynx). Daily radiation, weekly chemo treatments just recently finished.

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@lori57216, has the annoying tickle diminished since finishing treatment?


THANK YOU SO MUCH for the tip on how to stop the spasms of the larynx!!! When they happen it's so terrifying as I cannot catch a breath except very very slowly thru my nose with my chin down on my chest.
Now plz. turn me on to what to do about the very very annoying tickle, itch in the throat that renders me to cough uncontrollably and no amount of liquids stops it. Comes and goes as it pleases.
Past: Esophageal cancer & removal of it: 2019
Present / current: Throat cancer (next to but not the larynx). Daily radiation, weekly chemo treatments just recently finished.

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I'm sorry to say I have no clue as sometimes I suffer from the same issue. Maybe an allergic reaction to something in the bed? Sometimes also a cough medicine might help tame it. I do hope you find some relief ❤️❤️

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