Round 3: Getting breast cancer, stage 0, three times

Posted by coldia @coldia, Feb 22, 2023

My first diagnosis was in 2003, 2 spots, stage 1, estrogen positive. I had a double lumpectomy, radiation and took tamoxifen. All was good until 2019 when I had another stage 0 diagnosis in my left breast. Then last week I found out I had another spot in the right breast… again. Stage 0, another lumpectomy is now scheduled. I was very grateful they have been small but was angry that this keeps happening and started worrying if it will decide to “pop up” someplace else. I don’t know of many women who have had this happen 3 times. The nurse said she didn’t have many patients this has happened to. I wonder if it may be because I was 43 the first time and am now in my sixties.
I have decided that I cannot waste one more day being angry and worrying about something that is completely out of my control. I want to appreciate every day I have, including the days that things are not so easy. Really, what choice do we have? For me, it has been in my way of processing my emotions differently. I have woken up feeling better, enjoying the blue skies, birds and squirrels in my yard, turning on upbeat music and watching comedy shows. Get togethers and laughter with family and friends has been my favorite.
I’m thankful we have the technology we have today to discover and treat this disease as best as possible. In reading some of the posts, I see that many of you here have much more serious disease and I wasn’t sure I should even post my story, but am hoping in some small way it will help someone else.
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.


I still cannot wrap my head around why we don't opt for a mastectomy and get rid of all the tissue. Doctors told me it would not improve my survival rate if I opted for mastectomy over lumpectomy. It just doesn't make sense to me that removing all that tissue doesn't improve my chance survival. If the tissue is not there it is not reoccurring in THAT tissue. Yes, it can still reoccur in that location but with so much tissue gone am I not lessening my chance for reoccurrence?
To the original poster, 3x cancer survivor, I love your positive outlook and appreciate your post! Wishing you the best and praying this is your last encounter with C-Beast! May you slay him down for good!

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I totally agree with you. I was told I needed unilateral mastectomy and the chance of me getting bc in the other breast is extremely slim (by two surgeons). Right away I said bilateral. When pathology report came thru, it did indicated the good breast had something very small starting!


I’m scared.

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Please feel free to reach me as well if you would like to talk. I know initially thru my diagnosis, this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to talk more to people that have been in my situation. Also, Mayo has virtual breast cancer support group that would be great to join. I made a friend coming out of there.


Thank you so very much. This is hugely helpful and I will look for that book today! I keep looking for ways to understand why this keeps coming back and no one really has any advice. I thought I was doing most things right..I am a vegetarian, exercise daily, meditate (fairly regularly) and had a hysterectomy a few years ago. I really had hoped that might cut down on the estrogen which I thought could be a contributing factor.
I am going to ask my doctor about this. I had never heard of the term “terrain” used in my cancers.
Thank you again so very much for this excellent information.
Wishing you all the best.


@coldia I have also had stage 0 three times. My first dx at age 38, then 40, most recently at age 50. So now I am in the process of setting up a prophylactic double mastectomy. Not looking forward to it but rather deal with it than deal with cancer later.


I’m so sorry you have had the same thing happen to you. I guess our odds weren’t great being diagnosed when we were so young. I have a feeling my surgeon might suggest that for me as well next week.
Keeping you in my thoughts.


Have my 1st appt. Feb 27

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How are you doing, @tammidoran?

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