Robotic Bronchoscopy biopsy came back negative, still with questions

Posted by frank1956 @frank1956, Nov 23, 2024

My wife (63) was first diagnosed with Stage 1C breast cancer. Tumor has been surgically removed with clear margin, with no lymph nodes involvement. She is waiting for genomic test result in order to decide on the next treatment method for her breast cancer.

During diagnostic period, they did a CT Scan and 2 lung nodules were found. A subsequent PET scan identified both as rounded solid right upper lobe nodule; one with 11x8 mm SUV 4.8, and the 2nd 6x6 mm SUV 1.9.
She went thru a Robotic Bronchoscopy biopsy on the larger nodule and few near-by lymph nodes. The doctor said the small nodule was not safe to reach so he did not do the biopsy on that. Yesterday her pulmonologist sent her a message. There is no cancer, and the nodule is likely due to inflammation. We will meet with pulmonologist on 12/3.
We have more questions and will ask the doctor: Can the nodules develop into lung cancer later if they are left in the lung? Is it possible to remove the nodules even though no cancer is identified? If they can not be removed, is there any non surgical method that can shrink the nodules? The smaller one was not biopsied. Can it actually be cancerous at this time? Will she need to be scanned regularly to monitor the nodule growth?

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@frank1956 , Sorry that you are facing multiple issues and questions with your wife's treatment. I'm glad that her breast cancer appears to have been found early. Lung nodules are concerning, but they are usually not cancerous, and many times they resolve on their own. Our lungs are sensitive tissue (sometimes overly sensitive), and they can react to many things that are not cancer. Her doctors took action on what they saw, and that's great! The pulmonologist will be able to help answer some of your questions.
I have metastatic lung cancer, but I also have a 1cm non-cancerous nodule. That nodule shows up on my CT scans every 3 months. It's stable, not growing, but not going away either. There's no reason to put me at risk by taking further action, such as surgery.
A CT is a relatively easy scan, so they may want to monitor her nodules with an additional scan in a number of months. Can you let me/us know how the appointment goes on the 3rd.


@frank1956, I'm also sorry to hear you're going through this period of uncertainty. Know that you're not alone; we all started with many questions after diagnosis. My Pulmonologist told me that many, if not most, people have benign nodes or nodules. Those things are formed in response to any type of lung damage, such as falling out of a tree when we were 10 or any other blow to the chest. My youngest brother had 8 nodules that his doctors tracked with annual CT scans until, as he put it, "He got tired of looking at pictures of my lungs." They never changed.

For my part, my lung cancer metastasized to my brain, so my oncologist is hyper-alert to a recurrence. He was concerned about a couple of mediastinal lymph nodes for a year. They got bigger. They got smaller. He has now concluded they, too, are benign.


When I was diagnosed in 2010, I had multiple ground glass and solid nodules. Many are still there and remain unchanged some disappeared, some got larger then smaller. It's estimated that 85-90% of nodules are benign and will remain that way. They can be caused by an infection that affects the lungs, or allergies. They can also be caused by environmental influences-air pollution, cleaning fumes, VOCs in scents and room air fresheners. There are thousands of things that can caused them.

Their appearance is important, too. If that smaller nodule had spiculations, or other traits that suggests cancer, it is likely they would have suggested a wedge resection or a lobectomy. They will do regular follow up CTs to monitor for any changes.

With regards to the breast cancer, did the oncotyping indicate the need for hormone suppressants? I ask as someone who has had both legs ng and breast cancers.


When I was diagnosed in 2010, I had multiple ground glass and solid nodules. Many are still there and remain unchanged some disappeared, some got larger then smaller. It's estimated that 85-90% of nodules are benign and will remain that way. They can be caused by an infection that affects the lungs, or allergies. They can also be caused by environmental influences-air pollution, cleaning fumes, VOCs in scents and room air fresheners. There are thousands of things that can caused them.

Their appearance is important, too. If that smaller nodule had spiculations, or other traits that suggests cancer, it is likely they would have suggested a wedge resection or a lobectomy. They will do regular follow up CTs to monitor for any changes.

With regards to the breast cancer, did the oncotyping indicate the need for hormone suppressants? I ask as someone who has had both legs ng and breast cancers.

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I have a 1 cm spiculated nodule upper right lobe
Had bronchoscopy in July cane back benign
Had 3 month check up a couple weeks ago nodule unchanged
Pray it doesn't enlarge as I am also battling smoldering multiple myeloma


There are a numbered f things that can cause spiculations. They are not all cancerous. I send hope they remain benign.

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