Long COVID and Ringing in the ears

Posted by Lucy @welchllb, Feb 16, 2022

I had COVID in August 2020 and have never fully recovered. I had every symptom except loss of smell and taste. I had pneumonia and was in ER three times. Until today, my biggest disabilities have included shortness of breath with exertion, dizziness, unsteadiness, blurry eyes, occasional sore throat, dry cough, etc - all like many of you. I tried Vagus Nerve Stimulation and if anyone is interested, I can give you a full description. Did not improve.
WORSENING SYMPTOM AS OF TODAY: Ringing in my ears. I have had slight ear ringing for awhile but today when I woke up, it was dramatically worse. Has anyone gone to a doctor for this issue? Has anyone experienced worsening symptoms. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you.

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I have ringing in the ears also, headaches, tremors, body aches, swelling in my legs sometimes taste of things I like taste so bad I can't eat it when everyone says its good this one is new. And I had COVID a year ago this month it is terrible. I still can't find any answers. Please let us know if you do, I like wise will do


Thank you! So frustrating to know that one's life as one knew it is gone and there's nowhere to turn for help.. At least, this newsletter and other sites help us realize we're not alone.


I had covid March 2020 and still have problems with taste and smell. Now buzzing in my ears - ENT says probably due to hearing loss. NO. that is not the problem. Doctors I have don't listen and absolutely have no clue as to what we are experiencing. I've had a range of other problems stabbing pains in jaw - behind eyes - crazy pains in leg - chest pain. Had tests for all and all tests "negative". Medical community with the exception of those who are actually working with long covid patients have no idea.


I have ringing in the ears also, headaches, tremors, body aches, swelling in my legs sometimes taste of things I like taste so bad I can't eat it when everyone says its good this one is new. And I had COVID a year ago this month it is terrible. I still can't find any answers. Please let us know if you do, I like wise will do

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I have had all you describe - the food thing comes and goes. ringing in my ears just started a few months ago. No answers for any of it.


I had covid March 2020 and still have problems with taste and smell. Now buzzing in my ears - ENT says probably due to hearing loss. NO. that is not the problem. Doctors I have don't listen and absolutely have no clue as to what we are experiencing. I've had a range of other problems stabbing pains in jaw - behind eyes - crazy pains in leg - chest pain. Had tests for all and all tests "negative". Medical community with the exception of those who are actually working with long covid patients have no idea.

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Yup!! All my tests are negative, too.


I had covid March 2020 and still have problems with taste and smell. Now buzzing in my ears - ENT says probably due to hearing loss. NO. that is not the problem. Doctors I have don't listen and absolutely have no clue as to what we are experiencing. I've had a range of other problems stabbing pains in jaw - behind eyes - crazy pains in leg - chest pain. Had tests for all and all tests "negative". Medical community with the exception of those who are actually working with long covid patients have no idea.

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I had the "pain in jaw" for about 4 mos., then went away. The symptoms were very similar to TMJ, but never ground teeth or had issues w/ TMJ before. Did not seem typical of a TMJ :"attack" given it was so long. Chest pressure has been symptom for about 10 mos Recently more pressure / pain behind eyes...Had covid also in March 2020, but these symptoms stared about one year latter and month after vaccine. Never connected o covid except of similarity of symptoms w/ others and myriad of tests coming back negative... Inflammation seems to be at core of issues. I had hernia surgery and have extended period of swelling for months now which also has surgeon stumped...


I have pain at the base of my big toe, random tingling after it was numb every where, 1 year + no taste/smell, 6 months everything tastes chemically, 1/3 taste and/or smell off/on 5 + months, head ache 2 years, migraines 3 days a week, nauseous all the time. Achy, fatigue from everything. This just the last couple months. It was way worse. All from getting Covid. So done with it. Have had every test. They are all normal. Tired of hearing I’m fine. Tired of we don’t know, this is still so new. Tired of drugs and side effects and meditating and talking about my feelings. In a mood. I know it takes time but it’s too damn long.


I have pain at the base of my big toe, random tingling after it was numb every where, 1 year + no taste/smell, 6 months everything tastes chemically, 1/3 taste and/or smell off/on 5 + months, head ache 2 years, migraines 3 days a week, nauseous all the time. Achy, fatigue from everything. This just the last couple months. It was way worse. All from getting Covid. So done with it. Have had every test. They are all normal. Tired of hearing I’m fine. Tired of we don’t know, this is still so new. Tired of drugs and side effects and meditating and talking about my feelings. In a mood. I know it takes time but it’s too damn long.

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I understand, I’m 14 mo. Long Covid. I got a therapist and has been very helpful to keep your sanity. Have to enjoy the little things that make you feel good, especially on a bad day. Hang in there.


Thank you. Yes my pt is the best.


I have ringing in the ears also, headaches, tremors, body aches, swelling in my legs sometimes taste of things I like taste so bad I can't eat it when everyone says its good this one is new. And I had COVID a year ago this month it is terrible. I still can't find any answers. Please let us know if you do, I like wise will do

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I tested positive for Covid in January 2022 this is my second time having Covid. I just started to get the ringing in my ears. swelling in my legs and hands, I went to the ER hoping it’s not a blood clot and no thankfully it’s not and had a bunch of other tests done. Only to be sent home with the diagnosis of Long Covid. My other symptoms are headache, fatigue, heart racing, little to no voice, blood pressure high, hair falling out, lightheaded, shortness of breath. I had my first Appointment with Dr. Van was well worth my time. He made a referral to an ENT and ordered some other tests. I just felt I was being gaslighted by other doctors. These symptoms are real and need to be dealt with so I can get back on my feet and be a productive part of society and Dr. Van gave me the hopefulness that it can happen but he said like most other Doctors have said it’s going to take time but at least he’s pointing me in the right direction to make that happen.

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