A link between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Essential Thrombocythemia?

Posted by arti4 @arti4, Jan 23, 2024

Does anyone know if there is a link between Rheumatoid Arthritis and ET? Is one more prone to RA with a JAK2 mutation?

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There is research looking at the connection between MPNs and inflammatory diseases like RA, gout, etc. My dermatologist was interested in a connection between my ET and rosacea, but he said that even if there is a connection, the treatment for the rosacea would still be the same. (Rosacea is well controlled with diet and standard meds for that.) Some research is looking at whether anti-inflammatory diets (Mediterranean) might help. Those diets also tend to be good for folks with clot risks, so you might ask yr doc to give you some info or set you up with a dietician. Diets can't take the place if meds, but every little bit helps!

MPN Advocacy and Education International has a lot of webinars and live programs plus a YouTube channel where you can get great info from real experts. This group is heavily funded by drug companies, particularly Incyte, which makes Jakafi. But the MPN researchers and clinicians are completely legit: https://mpnadvocacy.com/


My 25 year old son had Aplastic Anemia Feb.2023. His Bone Marrow Transplant was in August and recovery was going well until he received a flu shot. When his team tapered his dose of Prednisone, he began showing signs of arthritis especially in hip joints/ankles. He is scheduled to see a Rheumatologist. I suspect there may be a connection between ET and RA?


My 25 year old son had Aplastic Anemia Feb.2023. His Bone Marrow Transplant was in August and recovery was going well until he received a flu shot. When his team tapered his dose of Prednisone, he began showing signs of arthritis especially in hip joints/ankles. He is scheduled to see a Rheumatologist. I suspect there may be a connection between ET and RA?

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Good morning, @leilab1. Just wanted to check in to see how Alex is doing? Any news on his hip?


Good Morning Lori,

Thanks for asking about Alex. He hasn't yet met with the Rheumatologist but the Hip Joint issue is still in question. The Team had lowered his prednisone ; coincidentally that's when the effusion began. Since increasing the prednisone, the problem seemed to adjust itself and Alex is no longer experiencing pain. It's still a mystery as to the exact cause. He tried to run (across a busy street intersection) last week, and his knees gave out which sent him sprawling onto the pavement. Thank God he wasn't hit by any vehicles but did sustain several abrasions. I've been trying to encourage him to try short walks in our area - less traffic. It's heartbreaking to have to watch your child suffer/struggle with basic needs. Will keep you posted. Blessings on you and yours.

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