Looking for your experiences with RFA (Radiofrequency Ablation)

Posted by lebanon100 @lebanon100, Feb 6 12:54pm

Looking for positive and negative experiences with RFA

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@lebanon100, I used the Search feature and found these related discussions that you may wish to explore as you gather experiences:
- Experience with Radio Frequency Ablation procedures?

All RFA discussions: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/search/discussions/?search=Radio+Frequency+Ablation

Are you considering this procedure for reducing back pain?


I'm not sure at this point
I see my doctor tomorrow and am anticipating what he might suggest.


Had it done back in 2016 at L5-S1. Did not take very long. Was hoping for at least some relief...nothing. Nada. That was my experience.


I just had it done in October 2023. And unfortunately it didn't work.


I have had some luck with RFA’s. I did not have as much luck with the shoulders as I have with the back. Make sure you research your provider. My thoughts and prayers are with you .🙏


I had it done after nerve block did not work. Sorry to say, radio frequency did not work either. I also had three different procedures done after that, including a fusion that only made things worse. It's been 14 months since the fusion and I cannot stand very long, walk very far or lie in bed without being in pain. With all the back issues, knee problems and all-over body aches and pains, some days I feel like, just shoot me and put me out of misery.


Had it done back in 2016 at L5-S1. Did not take very long. Was hoping for at least some relief...nothing. Nada. That was my experience.

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RFA did not work for me neither, I still required pain pills.
It is an expensive procedure. My insurance paid most of the cost but I still had to foot a $245 co-pay. Now what?


Had it done2 years ago. No pain relief whatsoever. A waste of time.

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