Revisit the 'PMRandIL6' site _PMR needs NEW FACES of patients

Posted by nyxygirl @nyxygirl, Jun 18, 2023

THANK you for the prompt about adrenal insufficiency @dadcue ! You wrote in the Kevzara thread : " I was diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency after Actemra allowed me to taper down to 3 mg of prednisone. You need to be less than 5 mg of prednisone to have your cortisol levels checked. Otherwise, prednisone will continue to suppress your adrenal function at doses greater than 5 mg. The lab value for your cortisol level won't be an accurate measure of how well your adrenal glands are functioning until your prednisone dose is lower."
I revisited the PMRandIL6 slide show and videos . This site is 'sponsored' by Sanofi /Regeneron -- there is NO mention of Sarilumab, or KEVZARA ( waiting to hear a catchy jingle on TV soon ! ). The slide presentation by Dr John Stone, MD, MPH at the Mass General discusses the challenges and opportunities of PMR management AND in depth info about contraindications of Prednisone.
Then I was careful to listen to how he described the patient population- he used both the words elderly and middle aged. I recall the image used in Lundberg review, 2022 ( see attached ).

The Slides have anatomical images of tendons and muscles - well done - not a an image of a old-woman !! In the group on this site of whom I am familiar (n=~20) there are a few golf -club-swinging guys , and Zumba and pilates and running aficionados !!
I have attached ref to PMR -ages from a Mayo clinic study as well

One of my fleeting thoughts when I was was Dx; and found out my cousin had PMR; was THANK Goodness my mother did not have this while in Long Term Care!!! The pain/stiffness part is too bizarre to describe : (

Shared files

info re age of PMR mayo clinic (info-re-age-of-PMR-mayo-clinic-.pdf)

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

You might find this interesting although it is long and technical:,%2Drelated%20fashion%20(1).
Then there is this study that is short and to the point. This study has a catchy title and is specific to PMR and GCA patients.

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