Recurring squamous cell cancer
I had my lower right jaw and tumor removed in August + 44 lymph nodes on right side removed, then 35 radiation treatments and 5 cisplatins, ending in November. A cancerous lymph node appeared on left side of neck in March and had that + 16 other nodes removed with another cancerous node. Now, 6 weeks later, another cancerous lump has appeared on left side of neck. Surgeon will remove that as soon as I can schedule a CT scan. I feel like with this frequent surgery and reappearing cancer, something is wrong with my treatment. Should I seek another opinion, perhaps driving to MD Anderson in Houston (I live in Austin)? How common is this constant reoccurrence of squamous cell cancer? Very frustrating. Thanks for any ideas/advice out there!
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Is this squamous cell skin cancer? My mother had one every week, seriously. The skin doctor said she wasn't even the worst case. But if another kind of squamous cell, apologies for not being relevant!
No, this is oral cancer, a result of having had Lichen Planus for a longvtime.
This seems highly unusual, particularly because it is +16 which should respond well to meds. My opinion is you should get a second opinion as soon as possible. MD Anderson would be an excellent choice. Be your best advocate.
@mimiparris I would certainly look into a second opinion, and with a huge cancer center so close, that would be my first choice. With the new immunotherapies approved for head and neck cancer and targeted therapy, there are more options available to you than just more surgery. Please ask for a referral to MD Anderson soon. Has your tumor been tested for genetic mutations? You will have the best results when you take control of your treatment.
Thanks. Yes, in the process if getting admitted to MD Anderson. My surgeon and oncologists have all given me their blessings. “Why wouldn’t you go to one of the best cancer research centers in the world?” said one.
No he stated it was due to Lichen Planus which is not the same as HPV+ cancer. It does tend to reoccur.
I’m new to this thread. I recently had Mohs surgery for what appeared to be a scar formation that developed after a biopsy on my forehead.
My doctor was not concerned because the biopsy came back as actinic keratosis.
The scar stayed the same for a long time but then quickly over a month grew.
Another biopsy reported desmoplastic squamous cell infiltrative.
My doctor wants me to have radiation because of its type.
The excision sutured area is about 1/2 inch from my scalp and about 3 inches long.
Has anyone had radiation and their hair grew back?
Losing hair on the front top of my head as a woman is very distressing.
Any thoughts would be helpful.
Hi @drhill and welcome. I as well as a few others on this feed have had hair loss in the beam path from radiation only to have it grow back within a few months. For me it was a very straight line loss border so I resembled a monk from the twelfth century. I was in my fourties’ then. My beard however never grew well on the radiated side and is rather frightful during deer hunting season yet the scary appearance is my excuse for my dismal hunting results.
For you I cannot know. I understand your angst. We all will die someday but one should never die from vanity. That would be tragic. Let’s get you cured first. Then to a wig shop perhaps which in itself can be a fun experience. And after that let’s see what time brings.
Ask the doctor about the possibility of proton radiation. It is often more costly but is pinpoint compared to the vastness of photon. With the brain so close I would insist on proton. Your oncologist may not have access to a proton machine however you likely do.
I also see that the hair can be protected somewhat with a lead scalp cap or guard wrap.
How soon before this begins?
Thank you William for your words:) I am getting two opinions from radiation oncologists in the next week. I know how aggressive this cancer can be because of have gone through it with my dad.
I am not trying to be vain, just real. I will ask about proton radiation. I’m not sure when it will start, but probably soon.
So was your cancer on your head?
Did you have proton radiation?
How long did it take to lose hair and get some back?
Was yours squamous cell? The cancer went deep so it got in the forehead muscle but was cut out. The doctor was excellent in closing my excision so it is healing. I’m going to UCLA and Cedar Sinai so I would think they should have the best radiation equipment.
Cedar Sinai, excellent.
Photon radiation to the neck and lower jaw managed to blow the hair off the back of my head in a very straight line. It grew back after a couple months but was baby like soft for a year or so.
Squamous cell carcinoma internal.
Your cancer in the forehead location seems to me a little more difficult to pinpoint the radiation and avoid damage elsewhere. Your case is a little more rare than what we normally get on this feed so I’m interested on how your treatment is performed. Please keep me posted.
My wife chastised me for my vanity comment. I really was trying to be light of the matter at hand. You would be surprised at the number of people who avoid surgery or radiation and basically would rather die than be scarred or disfigured and to me that is so disheartening. So for that I apologize. I wish you good healing. Please keep me posted.