Anyone have cancer with unknown primary?

Posted by rita8898 @rita8898, May 20, 2019

Anyone suffering from cancer with unknown primary?

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Yes, I have an adenocarsonoma in my liver - Currently still looking.
Hx of melonoma - 6 years ago - shoulder /sentinal lymph node (super small and removed via biopsey - medical supervision since. All scans clear untill ...
a spot showed up 5 months ago in my liver.
Multiple MTI -PET -Endoscopy sigmoid oscopy

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Hello @mikeh35 and welcome to Mayo Connect.

It sounds like you have an unknown primary as well. Were you having any symptoms prior to the spot showing up on your liver? Has a biopsy been suggested or has your medical team decided to wait and watch?


Yes, I have an adenocarsonoma in my liver - Currently still looking.
Hx of melonoma - 6 years ago - shoulder /sentinal lymph node (super small and removed via biopsey - medical supervision since. All scans clear untill ...
a spot showed up 5 months ago in my liver.
Multiple MTI -PET -Endoscopy sigmoid oscopy


Are there any cancer fighting foods to possibly help slow the development that any of you recommend to add to his diet that may have helped any of you?

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@mattydlb @gisellef @mpuap, with regards to food and cancer, you may be interested in these Mayo Clinic recorded webinars, expert blogs, and related discussions:

- Cancer-Fighting Foods
- Disease Fighting Foods

- Choosing Whole Foods for a Healthier You
- Cancer and nutrition

Healthy diets for cancer patients


You could try grating fresh turmeric root into food. It helped a family member with ovarian recurrence for a couple of weeks, enough to get her through the time between diagnosis and treatment.

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Thanks I will definitely buy some and get my parents to put it with their stir fry’s


I had my scan that detected the enlarged lymph nodes beginning of October 2022. I had over a dozen biopsies, along with many scan and scopes for several months. they didn't start my treatments until January 23, 2023, (almost 4 months). They also surgically removed a lymph node and sent it to a company call Tempus labs with the hope that they would help identify. it came back as 70% cervical. Everyone thought it was strong enough result to just treat for that.
I have finished my treatments and had my first scan with was clear. Do you know what the cell type is. In my case this help them go down paths of where that cell type can only be. Mine again was Squamous and would only be found in throat, cervix and anal/rectal. that provided areas to look and direction. To me that would be the biggest question.

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I don’t know but hoping to find out more information at his next specialist appointment.
I’m so happy that your results came back all clear that’s fantastic.


Food suggestions. Blueberries for pterostilbene, watermelon and tomatoes for Lycopene, broccoli sprouts or lightly steamed broccoli for sulfurophane, apples with peal for Ursolic acid, fermented or cultured food like yogurt, kombucha etc for good gut microbes. Look into these online. Research is often tumor specific and academic only.

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Thanks will add them to my list too. I read walnuts and almonds are good options too. Next up is to find good recipes.


You could try grating fresh turmeric root into food. It helped a family member with ovarian recurrence for a couple of weeks, enough to get her through the time between diagnosis and treatment.

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Thanks I will put it on the shopping list. Anything else you can think of would be great too.


Food suggestions. Blueberries for pterostilbene, watermelon and tomatoes for Lycopene, broccoli sprouts or lightly steamed broccoli for sulfurophane, apples with peal for Ursolic acid, fermented or cultured food like yogurt, kombucha etc for good gut microbes. Look into these online. Research is often tumor specific and academic only.


Sounds like you have found the best treatment plan for your recovery.
How many tests and how long all up do you think it took to find the right outcome?
I still think he needs more tests to hopefully find the primary source. Think next one he needs is a colonoscopy.
He has his second opinion specialist appointment on Friday.
Can you think of any questions that may need to be asked?
How long have you been having treatment for?
Thank you for your help and appreciate all your advice.

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I had my scan that detected the enlarged lymph nodes beginning of October 2022. I had over a dozen biopsies, along with many scan and scopes for several months. they didn't start my treatments until January 23, 2023, (almost 4 months). They also surgically removed a lymph node and sent it to a company call Tempus labs with the hope that they would help identify. it came back as 70% cervical. Everyone thought it was strong enough result to just treat for that.
I have finished my treatments and had my first scan with was clear. Do you know what the cell type is. In my case this help them go down paths of where that cell type can only be. Mine again was Squamous and would only be found in throat, cervix and anal/rectal. that provided areas to look and direction. To me that would be the biggest question.


Are there any cancer fighting foods to possibly help slow the development that any of you recommend to add to his diet that may have helped any of you?

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You could try grating fresh turmeric root into food. It helped a family member with ovarian recurrence for a couple of weeks, enough to get her through the time between diagnosis and treatment.

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