Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?

Posted by onaquest @onaquest, Nov 7, 2018

Hello. Anyone else out there that has a redundant/ tortured colon? I was diagnosed with this a few years ago. I’m usually ok, but if I get constipated, I get sick for a week or two. Last year my gastroenterologist referred me to a surgeon for urgent surgery to remove some of my colon. The surgeon I ended up seeing (not on the recommended list by my gastro doc due to others not available for a long time) said he believed I could live with the redundant colon if I followed a low FODMAP diet. I tried the diet religiously, scientifically (I’m a scientist), and I found it’s not the food I eat that causes these bouts of constipation. The only item I’ve found that might cause the bouts is coffee every day. An occasional coffee seems fine. What has helped me stay regular in a big way is Benefiber (or any pure wheat dextrose generic) three times per day. Lots of fluid.

My gastro doc was upset with the surgeon and said I’d regret not having the surgery. He fears I will end up in an emergency situation. I have searched the Mayo site and don’t find anything about redundant/ tortured colon. Are any Mayo docs doing research or treat this condition? Anyone else suffer from this too?
Thank you! -Jayne

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I just joined Mayo connect. Knowing I am not alone has helped my emotional state immensely. Thank you all for sharing those things in your life that are not pretty but are our reality.
I have a redundant colon. I never heard of “torturous” but that really describes it well. I have suffered with constipation all my life. In my late 20’s, I had emergency volvulus surgery. It was a complete strangulation of my colon. The emergency room doctor on call performed surgery and “flipped it back”. I’m not kidding, that’s what he said. No resection or repair of any kind. But that was 1980, so maybe that was the best they could do. Honestly, I was afraid to move my abdomen in fear I would “flip” it again. So, I continued my life with chronic gas and constipation.
Due to symptoms, I had my first colonoscopy at age 35 and was diagnosed with redundant colon. To complicate things, I’ve had three abdominal surgeries: volvulus, hysterectomy, and bladder lift (the bladder lift was probably due to straining bowel movements all my life) that left me with adhesions. I believe the adhesions have contributed to my present condition – very severe constipation.
I moved to Florida last year, got a new gastroenterologist (scary), and she thinks I have a partial blockage and am currently undergoing testing (CT scan, humiliating fecal testing, etc). Surgery would be a last resort for me. That would only create more adhesions and may not help my condition. I’m on Mirilax, Benefiber, Senokot, Align, and I drink Smooth Move tea.
I’m almost afraid to eat and have lost 13 pounds in the past two months. I keep taking the laxatives and hoping for the best. My life has changed so much. I’m either uncomfortable with constipation or bound to the house with laxative-induced diarrhea.
But I feel better knowing I am not alone in this.

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Talk to your doctor about Motegrity, it's a very new drug and has worked wonderfully for me. I changed GI doctors and got this new drug. Apparently, my previous Dr didn't know about it.


Yes,.....all my life. The only thing that has successfully, and so far continuously, worked is Prunelax. And this is only within the last couple of months. I am 70. I also mix in psyllium into my oatmeal daily, 8 gm. It is awful to eat but I add diced apples, bananas, and cinnamon. But honestly, I believe it's the prunelax that is really working for me. And what I have noticed on this site is what works for one person, may not work at all for another. But we keep trying things. I wouldn't have even known about Prunlax except through this site. I am currently using 4 mini tabs daily. I understand there is a maximum strength and I am going to try that next, only because I will have to take less tablets. I hope you find something that works for you also! In all my years of dealing with this I found Miralax does not work. I drink lots of water and I use Metamucil wafers when I'm traveling. They're great! I truly understand your situation and the frustration, and even sometimes panic, that it causes. I am wishing you the best. You have to be your own advocate. Jacque


I just joined Mayo connect. Knowing I am not alone has helped my emotional state immensely. Thank you all for sharing those things in your life that are not pretty but are our reality.
I have a redundant colon. I never heard of “torturous” but that really describes it well. I have suffered with constipation all my life. In my late 20’s, I had emergency volvulus surgery. It was a complete strangulation of my colon. The emergency room doctor on call performed surgery and “flipped it back”. I’m not kidding, that’s what he said. No resection or repair of any kind. But that was 1980, so maybe that was the best they could do. Honestly, I was afraid to move my abdomen in fear I would “flip” it again. So, I continued my life with chronic gas and constipation.
Due to symptoms, I had my first colonoscopy at age 35 and was diagnosed with redundant colon. To complicate things, I’ve had three abdominal surgeries: volvulus, hysterectomy, and bladder lift (the bladder lift was probably due to straining bowel movements all my life) that left me with adhesions. I believe the adhesions have contributed to my present condition – very severe constipation.
I moved to Florida last year, got a new gastroenterologist (scary), and she thinks I have a partial blockage and am currently undergoing testing (CT scan, humiliating fecal testing, etc). Surgery would be a last resort for me. That would only create more adhesions and may not help my condition. I’m on Mirilax, Benefiber, Senokot, Align, and I drink Smooth Move tea.
I’m almost afraid to eat and have lost 13 pounds in the past two months. I keep taking the laxatives and hoping for the best. My life has changed so much. I’m either uncomfortable with constipation or bound to the house with laxative-induced diarrhea.
But I feel better knowing I am not alone in this.

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You are not alone and this site has helped me immensely. Not the doctors so much as the actual people that are going through similar experiences. Please read my post to thellman below. I hope there might be something that works for you!


I just joined Mayo connect. Knowing I am not alone has helped my emotional state immensely. Thank you all for sharing those things in your life that are not pretty but are our reality.
I have a redundant colon. I never heard of “torturous” but that really describes it well. I have suffered with constipation all my life. In my late 20’s, I had emergency volvulus surgery. It was a complete strangulation of my colon. The emergency room doctor on call performed surgery and “flipped it back”. I’m not kidding, that’s what he said. No resection or repair of any kind. But that was 1980, so maybe that was the best they could do. Honestly, I was afraid to move my abdomen in fear I would “flip” it again. So, I continued my life with chronic gas and constipation.
Due to symptoms, I had my first colonoscopy at age 35 and was diagnosed with redundant colon. To complicate things, I’ve had three abdominal surgeries: volvulus, hysterectomy, and bladder lift (the bladder lift was probably due to straining bowel movements all my life) that left me with adhesions. I believe the adhesions have contributed to my present condition – very severe constipation.
I moved to Florida last year, got a new gastroenterologist (scary), and she thinks I have a partial blockage and am currently undergoing testing (CT scan, humiliating fecal testing, etc). Surgery would be a last resort for me. That would only create more adhesions and may not help my condition. I’m on Mirilax, Benefiber, Senokot, Align, and I drink Smooth Move tea.
I’m almost afraid to eat and have lost 13 pounds in the past two months. I keep taking the laxatives and hoping for the best. My life has changed so much. I’m either uncomfortable with constipation or bound to the house with laxative-induced diarrhea.
But I feel better knowing I am not alone in this.

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Have you tried OTC Prune-Lax? It’s worked for many of us on this site. Two strengths from Amazon.


Yes,.....all my life. The only thing that has successfully, and so far continuously, worked is Prunelax. And this is only within the last couple of months. I am 70. I also mix in psyllium into my oatmeal daily, 8 gm. It is awful to eat but I add diced apples, bananas, and cinnamon. But honestly, I believe it's the prunelax that is really working for me. And what I have noticed on this site is what works for one person, may not work at all for another. But we keep trying things. I wouldn't have even known about Prunlax except through this site. I am currently using 4 mini tabs daily. I understand there is a maximum strength and I am going to try that next, only because I will have to take less tablets. I hope you find something that works for you also! In all my years of dealing with this I found Miralax does not work. I drink lots of water and I use Metamucil wafers when I'm traveling. They're great! I truly understand your situation and the frustration, and even sometimes panic, that it causes. I am wishing you the best. You have to be your own advocate. Jacque

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Panic. Exactly. Thank you!


Thank you everyone for your support! I think I'll try Prunelax first. Then I'll talk to my doctor about Motegrity.
I finally had a CT scan today. It was supposed to be ASAP two weeks ago but my doctor's office staff is so inefficient, even after my repeated phone calls, I wasn't scheduled until yesterday, Also, my doctor's office did not instruct me to drink barium at home before I went for the scan. So when I arrived for my appointment, they gave me barium to drink, wait a half hour, drink another cup, wait a half hour, then I finally had the test. Also had no idea it would involve an IV with iodine. But the technician was so nice and I'm glad the experience is behind me. Now I've taken my Senokot and am drinking Smooth Move and resting.


Does anyone here have experience with having surgery for this? My GI is acting as if it isn’t an option at all. Every laxative he’s given me has worked at first, but after a while it just stops. I go through phases of bad abdominal pain, to the point that it horribly hurts to stand. At this point I’m so sick of having to worry and deal with all of this, but because of my GI, I’m unsure if surgery would ever be recommended for me.


Does anyone here have experience with having surgery for this? My GI is acting as if it isn’t an option at all. Every laxative he’s given me has worked at first, but after a while it just stops. I go through phases of bad abdominal pain, to the point that it horribly hurts to stand. At this point I’m so sick of having to worry and deal with all of this, but because of my GI, I’m unsure if surgery would ever be recommended for me.

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Have you tried Motegrity. I changed GI Drs and the new one gave me this drug that's only been out 3 years and has worked wonders for me. What state are you in?


Have you tried Motegrity. I changed GI Drs and the new one gave me this drug that's only been out 3 years and has worked wonders for me. What state are you in?

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I haven’t heard of that, I live in Massachusetts


I haven’t heard of that, I live in Massachusetts

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Talk to your Dr about it.

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