Reduction in Heart Rate during Activities and Less Fatigue

Posted by baker00l @baker00l, Mar 7, 2022

Does your heart rate shoot up just when taking a shower or washing the dishes or walking down the hall?
I have been adhering to strict heart rate control measures during all of my daily activities, and am seeing significant improvement in heart rate reduction during activity and significant improvement in fatigue in six weeks.
No drugs, or special food or anything, just an inexpensive heart rate tracker and chairs in every room in my house.
I have been a Long Hauler for 20 months and just recently started Occupational and Physical Therapy in January 2022. My occupational therapist suggested using a sit and rest technique when my heart rate reached 20-25 bpm more than my resting HR. So, I watch my heart rate on my phone tracker while doing any activity, and when my heart rate gets 20-25 bpm above my resting heart rate, I immediately sit down and do deep belly breathing until my heart rate lowers to 10 bpm above my resting heart rate. Then I get back up and continue doing the activity. If sitting and belly breathing does not lower my heart rate to 10 bpm above my resting heart rate within 3-4 minutes, then I lie down until the heart rate is settled. Then I get back up and start the task again. If I leave the house on an errand, I carry a small camp stool with me and use it in the store. It took two weeks to get myself trained to stick with it and be patient, but now six weeks later I have reduced my heart rate during the same activities by 65%. AND my fatigue is lessening too.
I have posted my heart rate reduction data on the Facebook group Simple Tools for Recovering Long Haulers. I will also upload the PDF here tomorrow when I am back online.
I am hoping that maybe this can help someone else too. 🤗

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I think "I get back up and continue doing the activity" might just be the key to your improvement! Too many times. when I fell ill, fatigued or weak, the temptation is to lie down and rest - and all motivation flees. When I used a modified version of your technique after a long and severe infection I finally began to improve. Also, not waiting until the point of collapse to stop and rest.
Congratulations on finding a great tool. Please continue to share what else is working for you.

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