Recommendations for PMR savvy rheumatologist in Washington DC/MD/ VA

Posted by bschoeni @bschoeni, Jul 28, 2023

I've relocated to Washington, DC and looking for a rheumatologist in the area who is knowledgeable about PMR.

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I live in Maryland. I am very happy with my rheumatologist. Her name is Dr. Nicole Hunt. She is with Nasseri Arthritis and Rheumatology Group - they have several locations. I went to see her in October 2020 after 4 and 1/2 months of severe shoulder, upper arms and neck pain. I had previously gone to ortho and was in pt thinking that I had done something to my shoulders. When my hand started bothering I said I wanted to see rheumatologist and luckily I got her. Did labs right away and I started on prednisone the next day after lab work came back. I see her every three months, more if needed. She listens!


I’m seeing Dr Mamata Chand at Annapolis Rheum in Fairfax. She treats me and a lot of PMR patients.


Hi, I live in the northern Virginia. A friend of mine who is a dr. recommended Dr Carol Benedict. She works at Georgetown MedStar Hospital. On my first visit she listened to my symptoms and looked at my bloodwork and immediately mentioned PMR. She wanted me to have a few more tests but in the meantime prescribed prednisone which (once we got the right dosage) gave me full relief of my pain. I now meet with her once a month and have bloodwork done once a month. She is very responsive if I have a question. Some of our meetings are tele meetings but that’s fine with me. It may be hard to get an appointment but after I made my first appointment I asked to be put on her waitlist and within a couple of days I was able to get an appointment much sooner. Good luck. Liz Ward


I live in Annapolis and also looking for a PMR specialist.
Prednisone therapy and Actemera did not work and my doctor basically gave up.

Anywhere in DC/Baltimore region or nearby Eastern Shore.
I was hoping for Johns Hopkins but it is not working out.
John Wells


I live in Annapolis and also looking for a PMR specialist.
Prednisone therapy and Actemera did not work and my doctor basically gave up.

Anywhere in DC/Baltimore region or nearby Eastern Shore.
I was hoping for Johns Hopkins but it is not working out.
John Wells

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Check out my previous reply to original poster. My rheumatologist won't give up. I have other illnesses which severely limit what type of medications I can take. While I haven't been able to taper off prednisone as of yet, I am on a relatively low dose (5 mgs) - was originally on 15. And I am not in pain.


Check out my previous reply to original poster. My rheumatologist won't give up. I have other illnesses which severely limit what type of medications I can take. While I haven't been able to taper off prednisone as of yet, I am on a relatively low dose (5 mgs) - was originally on 15. And I am not in pain.

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I got an appointment for August 28 with Hunt.
And they even take my insurance, which is rare.


I got an appointment for August 28 with Hunt.
And they even take my insurance, which is rare.

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That's great! You will like her she is great! Take a list of all your questions/concerns and she will give you time to go over every single thing on your list!


Will do and will let you know how it went


Will do and will let you know how it went

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How did your appointment go with Dr. Hunt?


Not great. She thinks my problem is physical with the MRI showing some back nerve issues.
That doesnt explain all the other pain or the morning pain that mostly gets better later in the day. She wants me to see a pain management specialist, but I dont know if I will.

I have had nothing but bad experiences with those docs. Meanwhile serious exercise seems to be helping some, especially legs, back, and stomach work. No prednisone. Just gutting it out from here I guess.
But thanks for trying! The other rheum doc I went to last week just said "you dont have PMR because prednisone doesnt work and had nothing further to suggest except to get hip therapy. I am done with doctors, this time I think for good.

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