Raw seeds safe to eat with NTM?

Posted by dls224 @dls224, Sep 6, 2023

Unsure about this and cannot seem to find an answer! Anyone know?

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@dls224 As far as I know, there are no foods to be avoided when you have MAC.
The only time there is a concern with NTM on fruits and other raw foods is in a severely immunocompromised person such as someone with AIDS or who has recently undergone full-body radiation. Then disseminated (outside the lungs) NTM might develop.
Otherwise, unless you inhale the contaminated food and it gets in your lungs - you're fine. The exception is if you have GERD - then precautions should be taken to avoid eating near bedtime, raise the head of the bed, etc.

For the most part, people with MAC and Bronchiectasis can live a full normal life, eat a healthy diet, take reasonable precautions based on their total health - and not worry.


@dls224 As far as I know, there are no foods to be avoided when you have MAC.
The only time there is a concern with NTM on fruits and other raw foods is in a severely immunocompromised person such as someone with AIDS or who has recently undergone full-body radiation. Then disseminated (outside the lungs) NTM might develop.
Otherwise, unless you inhale the contaminated food and it gets in your lungs - you're fine. The exception is if you have GERD - then precautions should be taken to avoid eating near bedtime, raise the head of the bed, etc.

For the most part, people with MAC and Bronchiectasis can live a full normal life, eat a healthy diet, take reasonable precautions based on their total health - and not worry.

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Thanks!!!! Feeling much better about the pepita seeds I just ate for breakfast!

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