Rapid acceleration of MCI symptoms

Posted by rloc @rloc, Jul 14, 2023

My wife is 68 yo and has a strong family history of Alzheimer’s. She was diagnosed wit MCI in December 2023. An MRI and Pet Scan revealed no degenerative disease at this time. Her doc believes that her condition is caused by seizures in the temporal lobe and she is taking lamictal. In May and June, her level of memory loss and confusion accelerated dramatically. She continues to be more and more confused and forgetful. I asked her doctor if she has seen this rapid progression in other patients. She evaded the question. Has anyone else seen such a rapid progression of symptoms?

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I don’t know much about mild cognitive impairment, other than I heard it can come on slowly or rapidly. People with seizures have a much higher incident of not storing memories properly which causes recall problems. I’ve had epilepsy for 56 years and thousands of generalized seizures and some focal which I'm assuming your wife suffers from. I haven’t been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment but have serious memory issues.
and haven’t been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment. my memory has been affected mostly from Convulsive Status Epilepticus and long-induced comas.
What seems odd to me is the acceleration of memory loss all of a sudden. Does your wife have trouble finding words or thoughts, known as aphasia is fairly common in seizure patients which could be caused by Lamictal, especially if the dose is too high. Another concern is that your question went unanswered. I always consider that to be a red flag.
Have you considered a second opinion from a Neurologist?
Take care,


So sorry to hear about your wife, it’s must be difficult for you both. Everyone is different and we all behave differently to disease process. Whether your wife has MCI, early dementia, etc, whatever it is you’re both at early stages of it. Please if you have family bring them into the loop so you both have support. I wish you luck with an answer. Also seek help to make sure your home is setup safely for a MCI type patient.


Thank for your kind thoughts and advice!

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