Radiation and Invasive Lobular Cancer

Posted by kks @kks, Oct 3, 2022

I am reading a lot about Endocrine Therapy and Chemo options with ILC, but not much on Radiation. Does anyone have experience on effectiveness of this? Most of the research appears to be on ductal.

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Hi this whole journey is as one fellow patient said to me, be ready for the circus.
I don't know your journey at 71 . I was 68 and am 70 now and if anything comes back I will go thru it all again.
Thinking of you and sending a hug.

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I totally understand your thoughts. I am 73 and have had a good prognosis with surgery, neg. nodes and clear margins with a very small, early detection. Chemo now due to my onco score being 31. Half way through chemo, it was so hard that I talked to my oncologist saying I wanted to quit because of the time and challenges this has caused. Long story short, he has given me an option for the 3rd treatment that may help the horrendous chemo reactions that I have had so I will go for one more of the 4 they are planning. I would say, weight your options. You don't say where you are on that journey, but I understand where you are coming from. I decided to take them one at a time and decide then. I am planning to do the radiation thinking that cannot take nearly the time or the side effects chemo has been. But, again, I had no idea how hard the chemo was going to hit me either. Probably naive. Anyway, the thought of this coming back is so frightening it spurs me on. God bless you. I know he will guide you.


I totally understand your thoughts. I am 73 and have had a good prognosis with surgery, neg. nodes and clear margins with a very small, early detection. Chemo now due to my onco score being 31. Half way through chemo, it was so hard that I talked to my oncologist saying I wanted to quit because of the time and challenges this has caused. Long story short, he has given me an option for the 3rd treatment that may help the horrendous chemo reactions that I have had so I will go for one more of the 4 they are planning. I would say, weight your options. You don't say where you are on that journey, but I understand where you are coming from. I decided to take them one at a time and decide then. I am planning to do the radiation thinking that cannot take nearly the time or the side effects chemo has been. But, again, I had no idea how hard the chemo was going to hit me either. Probably naive. Anyway, the thought of this coming back is so frightening it spurs me on. God bless you. I know he will guide you.

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I am glad you have a good prognosis and tumor was small. They just told me we will do chemo surgery radiation and see how you do. I am 2 years post masectomy from lobular TNBC no nodes large tumor.
I had to be on a chemo pill for 8 months and it made me sick so I understand the not feeling good. I wanted to give it all I could too so it doesn't come back. I am eating to make sure my immune system is good. Christine funk is a breast cancer Dr. And she recommends gooseberry powder, amla, that is high in vitamin c. I also have a half cup of blueberries every day and drink match a green tea every day and eat broccoli daily. TNBC has a habit of coming back the first 3 years so I am trying to keep it away. Hoping your chemo is not to bad. Thinking of you and sending hugs.


I am glad you have a good prognosis and tumor was small. They just told me we will do chemo surgery radiation and see how you do. I am 2 years post masectomy from lobular TNBC no nodes large tumor.
I had to be on a chemo pill for 8 months and it made me sick so I understand the not feeling good. I wanted to give it all I could too so it doesn't come back. I am eating to make sure my immune system is good. Christine funk is a breast cancer Dr. And she recommends gooseberry powder, amla, that is high in vitamin c. I also have a half cup of blueberries every day and drink match a green tea every day and eat broccoli daily. TNBC has a habit of coming back the first 3 years so I am trying to keep it away. Hoping your chemo is not to bad. Thinking of you and sending hugs.

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I forgot to say radiation not as bad. I had 15 sessions. Skin got a little red and I had to breath hold because tumor wss in left breast. They will tell you what creams you can use and when. They help your skin.


I have been diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma, surgery this Thursday with recommendations for hormone therapy and radiation. My tumor is grade 1A so radiation oncologist said it depends on pathology but based on pre-op biopsy and genetics he will “most likely “ recommend 3-5 days in the same week, of radiation. But he cautioned that after pathology it could change. He also said that he is sure that if I need more it won’t be much more. He also said that because it will be short term, the side effects will be minimal! We’ll see😊. I told him whatever it takes to kill the cancer, I’m on board!

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Hi Joanly! Your situation is almost identical to mine (to start with): invasive lobular carcinoma (Dec. 2023), removed by lumpectomy (Feb. 2024), with radiation and hormone therapy to follow. However, pleomorphic LCIS was also present, and the margins were not clear, so I need either another lumpectomy or go straight to a mastectomy (but then no radiation therapy, just hormone therapy.) How did the radiation therapy go? How is hormone therapy going? Thanks for any info you can provide.

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