Questions related to SSHL

Posted by bdurel @bdurel, Oct 2, 2022

I've had unilateral SSHL since February. Excellent hearing in both ears just seconds prior. With it came loud tinnitus in deaf ear and hyperacusis in good ear. But worst of all is constant but fluxuating fullness feeling like one or both ears & sometimes sinuses are plugged. Are my ears or Eustachian tubes really blocked or is it just a horrible sensation? It's hard to explain to others what this is like because when there's no background noise I can hear very well but all the extra noise, sensitivity, & plugged up head is making me crazy and difficult to re engage in life.

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....similar here. moderate hearing loss, loud tinnitus right ear and less but in left ear, hyperacusis in both ears i think... and yes fullness and pain in both ears, mostly right, eustachian tube sometimes can pinch nose and blow but it hurts and then canjot hear for a bit; also have tons of mucous from nose for last few years.. i think its from glaucoma drops as on leaflet it says; side effects body.... sinusitis!!! but cant stop the drops... MONOPROST/LATANOPROST. my head feels pressure and fullness and last week 2 trips to emerge with extra wierdness in head, pressure, like pulling and pushing, slight dizzy etc., they mainly checked not a stroke. all this not life threatening but certainly agree quality of life altering, plus other illnesses on top of it all.. seems no help no cure.


I don’t know if this pertains but I also had SSHL and not sure if it is connected or not as I have allergies and that fullness, congested feeling most of the time even though I do allergy shots. I have a navage which is an implement to do a sinus flush. If I don’t do it everyday, I always feel full headed. Have had sinus surgery to open up the portals but still the same. I have just accepted that ears, sinus are related. I also have azelastine to open up my sinus along with Nasacort. It all seems to give me relief. I too, do well with my hearing one on one, but even playing cards with long term friends, I feel isolated from what they are saying.

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