PV & high blood pressure - connection?

Posted by wendy517 @wendy517, Aug 15, 2023

I've had an alarming spike with my BP. It has happened sporadically in past few years, prior to my diagnosis in April.

The 5 phlebotomies brought my numbers within normal range and taking one low dose aspirin. Onc & GP both recommended pulmonary and cardiac workups with my continued fatigue and shortness of breath, especially on stairs. Elevated with high 90s to 110s diastolic discovered at pulmonary visit last week and I started monitoringat home that day, it was scaring me a bit with a stroke or heart attack. Went on low dose BP med Sat and it's been much better, however I'm noticing a pattern. If I'm sitting too long (1.5 - 2 hrs), get up, don't feel great, take my BP it's higher again. I'm excited, I know sounds weird, but it's pointing to the fact I must move regularly, all day long. Even when I was working full time I use a standing desk, meet clients, attend networking events etc. I've been walking a mile a day since Monday but want to do more like I used to. With sludgey PV blood it makes sense to keep moving, keep the heart pumping at a good level. Right?
I've been far to sedentary for my liking with being so fatigued but now feel I need to push myself every hour whether I feel up to it or not, within reason of course. Simple to get up and take a short walk or get on my stair stepper at home.

Long question/ comments - anyone else with PV end up on BP meds but then able to get off them?
I do have family history, my Dad started in his 50s with high BP, cholesterol, couple stents put in and he's a pretty darn healthy 88 year old who walks daily and gym 3 days week. I did develop cholesterol in my 50s with a good diet and had lost 45 lbs with the SIBO battle and went off the 10mg statin, however it did creep back up again so went back on the 10mg 2 months ago. The BP could be hereditary or from the PV, not sure? My other thought is maybe 2 low dose aspirin a day may help, I'm going to talk to my GP (an excellent MDVIP doc).

I want to build up my endurance for ski season 🙏

Thanks for any feedback!

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