PV and shortness of breath, any feedback on solutions to help?

Posted by wendy517 @wendy517, Jul 16, 2023

I've never experienced so many episodes of shortness of breath, especially when climbing stairs. Our air quality is bad in NJ these day, I'm sure is contributing. Would having a small oxygen tank on hand possibly help? My friend suggested it, could also be helpful for me to have on hand when I go to elevations, like the Rockies to ski. My goal is to feel well enough to enjoy some skiing out West.

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Fair and poor air quality damages lung tissue. Over days and weeks of exposure, your lungs will have to suffer...some...maybe quite a bit. If you have pre-existing impediments to health, especially to lung tissue, it would of course be cumulative or additive, and perhaps put you over the edge enough that you notice a distinct and unwelcome change. Unfortunately, damaged or diseased lung tissue is already at a deficit for gas exchange which, after all, is what the blood and alveoli are meant to do. Pure and directly delivered oxygen will probably help, although the apparatus might hinder enjoyment and freedom of movement, or might possibly put you at risk for injury. If it's a solution for you, why not give it a trial prior to any ski excursions. Hike and bike with oxygen delivery and see how it goes. Get used to wearing it and dealing with its effects on your exercise and recreation. If you can handle it all, then......


Fair and poor air quality damages lung tissue. Over days and weeks of exposure, your lungs will have to suffer...some...maybe quite a bit. If you have pre-existing impediments to health, especially to lung tissue, it would of course be cumulative or additive, and perhaps put you over the edge enough that you notice a distinct and unwelcome change. Unfortunately, damaged or diseased lung tissue is already at a deficit for gas exchange which, after all, is what the blood and alveoli are meant to do. Pure and directly delivered oxygen will probably help, although the apparatus might hinder enjoyment and freedom of movement, or might possibly put you at risk for injury. If it's a solution for you, why not give it a trial prior to any ski excursions. Hike and bike with oxygen delivery and see how it goes. Get used to wearing it and dealing with its effects on your exercise and recreation. If you can handle it all, then......

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All great advice and info, thank you very much!
I'll talk to my oncologist about it and I think I'd be fine with having it on hand when I take breaks, not wearing it as I'm exercising. At least I hope anyway!

Thanks again!


All great advice and info, thank you very much!
I'll talk to my oncologist about it and I think I'd be fine with having it on hand when I take breaks, not wearing it as I'm exercising. At least I hope anyway!

Thanks again!

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May I suggest a hi end air filter. I bought one and during a period of intense smoke it was just right. I oversized it for the area that it is in bc we have high ceilings, a wood stove, dogs and there's a vaulted ceiling in the area.
The cost was about $500. Do the research before ordering.


Oxygen did not help me, unfortunately it's something that we have to deal with for the rest of our lives all we can do is drink plenty of water. I'm experience in the same thing it's horrible after having this PV for over 10 years


How is your heart? SOB (Shortness of breath) is an indicator of a possible Myocardial Bridge of your heart LAD artery.


Boost oxygen is great for low oxygen moments. Can order on Amazon.


Are you taking Hydroxyurea 500 mg . This too sometime causes shortness of breathe


Are you taking Hydroxyurea 500 mg . This too sometime causes shortness of breathe

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Hi @hariom1961, I'm grateful to not be on any meds right now for the PV, just low dose aspirin.

Be well!


How is your heart? SOB (Shortness of breath) is an indicator of a possible Myocardial Bridge of your heart LAD artery.

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Hi @daniel777, to date my heart has been OK but just ekg, not a full workup in many years. I will be scheduling that but want Pulmonary first because lungs have always been my weakness with bronchitis and pneumonia often when I get sick (I also don't stop when I'm sick which is a problem and I've changed that).
My BP was sky high after first phlebotomy but stabilized after a few hours. On occasion it shoots up for no apparent reason so I'm sure the cardiologist will take that into consideration.
Thanks very much for your feedback!

Stay strong 💪


Boost oxygen is great for low oxygen moments. Can order on Amazon.

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Hi @lharwood50
Couple years back I got a can of pure oxygen to see if it would help occasionally when exercising/skiing. I did not feel like it did anything but maybe I won't? I honestly wouldn't know.

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