Purified bile salts for pancreas/biliary sludge problem

Posted by musicbart @musicbart, Apr 13, 2023

For a few years now I've suffered from awful physical pain in a smallish (likely ping-pong ball sized) frontal area a bit down from the lowest LEFT side rib. That area never moves to some other body area and it becomes so tender that if I press/push with say 2 fingers on my upper LEFT ab in that smallish, very painful, tender area, I see stars. This medical problem comes and goes but the physical pain can be constant and high-level for many hours-- I can be pain-free in that area for a bunch of consecutive days but it always returns to torture me. I've told MDs about this horrible physical pain problem but they're indifferent, blasé, and neglectful about it. I have to wait 'til late June for an MR scan of my pancreas because I told one young GI MD that I suspect this is a pancreatic problem, one caused maybe by biliary sludge. [I watched a 5 minutes-long YT video by Eric Berg, DC: "Left Side Abdominal Pain Under Ribs – Causes & Remedies Covered by Dr. Berg", https://youtu.be/AK5qHLpq408 Berg states that in some main duct that the pancreatic juices use as an exit from the pancreas sludge blocks the flow of pancreatic juices which then backup digesting the pancreas! Berg mentions the foods that can cause such a medical problem and he says that purified bile salts can help end this physical suffering.] I'd like to know from you in what form these purified bile salts are available: solid pills, bulk powder, powder in capsules, what? You see, I thought I'd start slowly with this OTC product. If it's in a loose powder, I could see how a small amount works even though Berg implies, as I recall, that it will take some time to feel better while taking these bile salts. If in a solid pill, I could use my pill splitter to try the same sized pieces over time. I can always increase the amount if nothing good happens, i. e. if I continue having this evil physical pain.

I hope someone here has had this same physical/medical problem and been helped greatly by purified bile salts. Please help me if you can. Thanks

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@musicpart Hello, we cannot advise you medically, as we are merely fellow travelers, each on our own health journey. But we can help you decide whether you are relying on the best possible, scientifically sound medical information.

I too, have suffered from weird abdominal pains over time, mine eventually led to the removal of a very poorly functioning gall bladder. I still have occasional symptoms as well, so I was interested in your question.

I watched the video, then turned to Dr. Google and found ONLY sponsored ads and promotional materials about bile salts, and no research material. Finally, I turned to Google Scholar. Here is what I found - bile salts are useful in increasing the growth rates of farmed fish, back in the 1970's through 1990's there was research, primarily on dogs, regarding the usefulness of bile salt supplements. I didn't read them as they would have led to changes in medical care by now if useful.

What I did learn is the best way to increase motility of bile salts in the intestines is to stay very well hydrated.


@musicpart Hello, we cannot advise you medically, as we are merely fellow travelers, each on our own health journey. But we can help you decide whether you are relying on the best possible, scientifically sound medical information.

I too, have suffered from weird abdominal pains over time, mine eventually led to the removal of a very poorly functioning gall bladder. I still have occasional symptoms as well, so I was interested in your question.

I watched the video, then turned to Dr. Google and found ONLY sponsored ads and promotional materials about bile salts, and no research material. Finally, I turned to Google Scholar. Here is what I found - bile salts are useful in increasing the growth rates of farmed fish, back in the 1970's through 1990's there was research, primarily on dogs, regarding the usefulness of bile salt supplements. I didn't read them as they would have led to changes in medical care by now if useful.

What I did learn is the best way to increase motility of bile salts in the intestines is to stay very well hydrated.

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Thanks Sue for that info and for your research.

Yes, I do forget to drink water most days. As an older guy, MDs and RNs have told me that many older people just don't feel thirsty so they don't drink water. I'm that way: I just don't ever feel thirsty. Also, for physical exercise, I only make a 1.5 mile neighborhood walk once a day and usually on most but not all days. Therefore, I'm not so physically active that I'd become thirsty. Not long ago I did some quick Internet research on this and learned that a part of the brain that registers thirst just doesn't work well anymore in older people.

This upper LEFT side physical pain often begins so rapidly late in an eating session-- other times it takes longer to start, but as I wrote before here, the tenderness and the physical pain can sometimes be absent for some consecutive days. I asked a young, inexperienced GI MD if I could have a stomach ulcer where I have so much horrible tenderness. He said that a stomach ulcer would not cause physically painful tenderness where I have it in that golf ball sized area in the upper LEFT ab a bit down from the lowest rib.

I love medical mysteries but not my own!


Thanks Sue for that info and for your research.

Yes, I do forget to drink water most days. As an older guy, MDs and RNs have told me that many older people just don't feel thirsty so they don't drink water. I'm that way: I just don't ever feel thirsty. Also, for physical exercise, I only make a 1.5 mile neighborhood walk once a day and usually on most but not all days. Therefore, I'm not so physically active that I'd become thirsty. Not long ago I did some quick Internet research on this and learned that a part of the brain that registers thirst just doesn't work well anymore in older people.

This upper LEFT side physical pain often begins so rapidly late in an eating session-- other times it takes longer to start, but as I wrote before here, the tenderness and the physical pain can sometimes be absent for some consecutive days. I asked a young, inexperienced GI MD if I could have a stomach ulcer where I have so much horrible tenderness. He said that a stomach ulcer would not cause physically painful tenderness where I have it in that golf ball sized area in the upper LEFT ab a bit down from the lowest rib.

I love medical mysteries but not my own!

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Here's a tool I use when I find myself "forgetting" to drink enough water (it also worked for my Mom, even into mild memory impairment.)
Each morning when I prepare my breakfast, I take 2 32 oz sport bottles and fill them with ice and water. I place one by my computer, where I spend a few hours a day. Depending on the season, I place the other with my garden gear at the door or in my sewing room (my "wo-man cave".) Late afternoon, as I sit down to watch the news, I check to make sure both are empty, else I stand there and drink them down. Also, I live in a hot climate 1/2 the year - we never get into the care for an errand or outing without making sure everyone has a bottle of water, gatorade or juice. We remind each other to drink often. We have had some truly scary incidents when friends (especially on meds or with health conditions) got dehydrated.

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