Has anyone had the PSMA-PET scan? Was cancer found?

Posted by hector13 @hector13, May 12, 2022

My prostate was removed 5 years ago. Two months ago, my PSA went from 0.00 to 0.09, and this month the PSA increased to 0.2. My urologist believes I am a candidate for the new PSMA-PET scan approved in 2020 that is more sensitive than previous scans in detecting small tumors. Has anyone had this scan? If so, what was your PSA at the time and was the cancer found?

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Hi Bandit11 - I am curious as to why your physician ordered a PSMA-PET scan after previous MRI and bone scan showed no cancer present?

To Everyone Else - After having prostate removed, radiation therapy and 4 years of 0.00 PSA, I have a PSA that has risen to 0.2. This is supposed to be the lowest figure that the new PSMA-PET scan can locate, but I wonder if this newly approved scan will find it at this level. Can anyone comment on whether they had this scan at around 0.2 , and what was the result? Was the cancer located? Hector13

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I received a .2 psa, 8 years post RP. My psa went to .3 a few weeks later and had the PSMA scan. They think they found it and radiated the area. The Radiologist said it was non-conclusive, but I think they believe that was it in the lymph mode. Unfortunately not where I was hoping, but hopefully they got it early, or they didn't really find it, but treated the entire area anyhow. My concern is micro-metastasizing. I went the 37 radiation treatments and have about 1 month to go on Orgovyx, 6 month total.


Chris here from the UK. Ive had one so far and due another one following my recent 20 shots of radiotherapy to prostate and 2 lymph nodes in pelvis. Theres a series of 3 videos on Y. tube by Dr Eugene Kwon from Mayo clinic.
The first one covers PET imagining.
Worth watching all 3 if you haven't seen them.
From memory he says for detection of small PC tumours, from their experience at Mayo, PET scans will detect these 6 years before picked up by other scans. So he is a big advocate for using PET particularly for re- occurance and chasing down metastatic PC

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Hi Chris,
Is this the video about PET scans with Mayo Clinic's Dr. Kwon that you're referring to?


Hi Chris,
Is this the video about PET scans with Mayo Clinic's Dr. Kwon that you're referring to?

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Hi Coleen,
Yes thats it.
Part 1 of 3 videos, which are all worth watching


I received a .2 psa, 8 years post RP. My psa went to .3 a few weeks later and had the PSMA scan. They think they found it and radiated the area. The Radiologist said it was non-conclusive, but I think they believe that was it in the lymph mode. Unfortunately not where I was hoping, but hopefully they got it early, or they didn't really find it, but treated the entire area anyhow. My concern is micro-metastasizing. I went the 37 radiation treatments and have about 1 month to go on Orgovyx, 6 month total.

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I think we all have concerns about metastasis that are too small to be seen. You’ve done what needs to be done so far. Get your PSA checked at regular intervals. If you feel the need to do more, get a second opinion. A more aggressive doc might suggest a systemic treatment. If the PSA starts to climb, try to get a PSMA scan before it reaches 1.0 or 2.0 and go from there. In the meantime, live your life to the fullest. These days there are so many options to treat prostate cancer at any stage. Hope.


Yes, I traveled to UCLA and paid out of pocket for a pmsa scan after a standard Axiom pet scan showed nothing. The psma showed growth in the prostate bed. I am consulting with the radiologist tomorrow morning. He is still recommending 7 1/2 weeks of pelvic floor, plus hormone deprivation, plus lymph node radiation. I am angling for a 5 day treatment of the prostate bed only. Any suggestions?


Does anyone know where a PSMA-Pet Scan testing location might be in Arizona. We live in Prescott.

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My understanding is UCLA has the only two machines in the country. UC Berkley and UC Los Angeles.


68Ga-PSMA-11 PET scans
This is the newest scan that was approved in March of this year that I am waiting to have scheduled.
I need a more aggressive treatment as I am at a crucial time in my treatment.
Hoping to start RLT in Rochester.


Yes, I traveled to UCLA and paid out of pocket for a pmsa scan after a standard Axiom pet scan showed nothing. The psma showed growth in the prostate bed. I am consulting with the radiologist tomorrow morning. He is still recommending 7 1/2 weeks of pelvic floor, plus hormone deprivation, plus lymph node radiation. I am angling for a 5 day treatment of the prostate bed only. Any suggestions?

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I’m don’t know why your doc would recommend general area radiation when the scan showed a definite problem area. Ask him/her. I had the shorter radiation regimen after PSMA with good results. I also am on Nubeqa.


My understanding is UCLA has the only two machines in the country. UC Berkley and UC Los Angeles.

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I don’t know about Berkeley, but UCSF, San Francisco, has the advanced PSMA. I had a great experience at UCLA. I recommend it highly although entrance requirements are a bit stiffer these days.


68Ga-PSMA-11 PET scans
This is the newest scan that was approved in March of this year that I am waiting to have scheduled.
I need a more aggressive treatment as I am at a crucial time in my treatment.
Hoping to start RLT in Rochester.

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From Mayo Clinic

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