PSA fluctuating during ADT treatment and after Radiation: Concerned

Posted by als @als, Sep 9, 2022

Psa fluctuated from 0.003 ng/ml to 0.02 ng/ml within an interval of three months. Is it a matter of concern.
Appreciate any help in this matter.

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In reply to @kujhawk1978 "4.3 was my high" + (show)

4.3 was my high

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You can probably save it, then blow it up to see the numbers.

I have labs on Monday and will update the chart then, see if I can increase the font.


You ask "Is it a matter of concern..."


There are a lot of factors that go into PSA results as others have said:

The lab - which assay they use, calibration of their equipment...
Your pre-lab routine

Attached is my clinical history. When my medical team switched from the traditional single decimal point to the USPA, two decimal point, there were variations as you can see in my clinical history (attached).

So, what you are looking for is multiple PSA tests, spaced some time apart, that show a continuous and upward trend. What that time interval is for spacing of the labs is something to discuss with your medical team. For me and mine, it was 2-4 months, three or more tests and a PSA between .5-1, giving us an almost 2/3 chance of imaging locating where the PCa was, thus informing the treatment decision.

The switch from the standard PSA to USPA has been a blessing and a curse. It brings prostate specific anxiety to a new level where every "change" is scrutinized by us, the patient for significance. Keep in mind, even if the change in PSA is indicative of a return, there are other clinical factors in play:

Gleason Score
Grade Group

Also, if you were on the standard test, which many still do, your results would be < .1 and you and your medical team would be spending the consult time talking about other things, vacations, best places to dine out, the concert you went to, kids...



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hujhawk1978, that is some detailed chart! Thanks for sharing.

Unfortunately, the data values and y-axis labels are too small to read. Can you give some idea of the vertical scale? For example, what is the maximum PSA value? Thanks.


You ask "Is it a matter of concern..."


There are a lot of factors that go into PSA results as others have said:

The lab - which assay they use, calibration of their equipment...
Your pre-lab routine

Attached is my clinical history. When my medical team switched from the traditional single decimal point to the USPA, two decimal point, there were variations as you can see in my clinical history (attached).

So, what you are looking for is multiple PSA tests, spaced some time apart, that show a continuous and upward trend. What that time interval is for spacing of the labs is something to discuss with your medical team. For me and mine, it was 2-4 months, three or more tests and a PSA between .5-1, giving us an almost 2/3 chance of imaging locating where the PCa was, thus informing the treatment decision.

The switch from the standard PSA to USPA has been a blessing and a curse. It brings prostate specific anxiety to a new level where every "change" is scrutinized by us, the patient for significance. Keep in mind, even if the change in PSA is indicative of a return, there are other clinical factors in play:

Gleason Score
Grade Group

Also, if you were on the standard test, which many still do, your results would be < .1 and you and your medical team would be spending the consult time talking about other things, vacations, best places to dine out, the concert you went to, kids...




Not sufficient information to respond . e.g. It may be a temporary "PSA Bounce after 2 to 3 years following radiation " which is normal .


Thank you for checking. Doing well. Some fatigue but very manageable. The reverse in PSA decline was temporary and was partly due to different lab and possible due to some swelling. Radiation now complete and PSA is .2 Still on Firmagon. This is 6 months of ADT. They suggest 6-12 mos. Very grateful and blessed. Doc suggested Prosteon (supplement to offset any bone loss during ADT).


Hi all.
On ADT for 2 months prior to radiation treatment. PSA was reducing down to 4+ Started EBRT and PSA reversed downward trend and rose to 6+. Only 9 sessions in of total of 28 goal. Is the rise normal during treatment? Anyone have experience with this? After treatment how long does it take for PSA to go down again (continuing on ADT)?
Thank you all and God Bless.

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@jaykwik, I wanted to check in. How are you doing post radiation?


Hi all.
On ADT for 2 months prior to radiation treatment. PSA was reducing down to 4+ Started EBRT and PSA reversed downward trend and rose to 6+. Only 9 sessions in of total of 28 goal. Is the rise normal during treatment? Anyone have experience with this? After treatment how long does it take for PSA to go down again (continuing on ADT)?
Thank you all and God Bless.


Very interested news, I wish you excellent health.


als, I will share my case experience for reference. 2018 diagnosis with prostate cancer. January 2019 prostatectomy surgery. Three months after surgery, PSA undetectable. However, at 6 months post surgery the PSA started rising .11, .13, .14…..Mayo has excellent imaging capability to help identify areas of prostate cancer recurrence, even at very low PSA levels….Doctors initiate 18 month regiment of Lupron to suppress the cancer, plus then initiating radiation ~6 weeks. What helped keep side effects manageable, I tried to keep physically active, walking, jogging, weights…..just had a PSA test Friday, and all still good now. Best of luck. If your care team is Mayo, you are with the best.

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