Protein in urine
I joined this group today because I have questions and concerns about protein found in my urine. About 10 days ago, I noticed bubbles in my urine. I was concerned because I never seen this before. I went on Google and my goggle search said it could be a UTI, high protein in diet, and problems with kidney. I do have a history of UTI’s but didn’t feel like I had one. I am eating an excessive amount of protein bars but not for the protein, for the fiber!! I was eating 4 protein bars a day. Three were the same bar and had 15 grams of protein. The other 4th bar had 12 grams of protein. I also eat chicken usually for lunch and dinner. I eat cottage cheese a lot. I only weight 109 lbs and don’t work out at all, didn’t realize the excessive protein was bad.
I went to my doctor four days ago and she did a urine test and it showed protein in my urine but no sign of an infection but was going to send it out for culture and for a urinalysis. Waiting on those results.
I had bloodwork done in August and my kidneys and everything was good. My BUN was 17. My creatinine was .59. My eGFR was 117.
I had a UTI in September. First urinalysis in September showed protein then went back a week later after I completed antibiotics and my infection went away and so did the protein.
My doctor told me to stop eating the protein bars and to get fiber a different way. Im doing that but still seeing the bubbles. How long would you expect the protein to stay in my system?
I asked my doctor if the protein in my urine meant I had kidney issues and she said no and kidney function is best told with bloodwork and mine was good. She said she thinks the protein is from my excessive protein in diet and weight loss. I cut out sugar and lost a lot of weight.
Im really struggling and nervous these bubbles aren’t going away yet even though i stopped eating the protein bars.
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With your bloodwork, I expect that your doc's right. It sounds like your kidneys are working fine.
I believe it’s froth like not a few bubbles so I wouldn’t read into that much. Your bloodwork tells the story. Your numbers are what I used to have before my radical nephrectomy. I would love to have your numbers.
Focus on eating good and enough. Sometimes we don’t eat enough. Drink plenty of water. Cutting out sugar is great but don’t become hypoglycemic by not eating enough. Get protein from food other than the bars if you can. Whole foods.
I think you have nothing to be worried about. You are watching your numbers and being seen by a dr. You are ahead of the game. There are many people who don’t know what their numbers are as they don’t get regular bloodwork. You are taking care of yourself. Keep it up. My only suggestion is to add exercise. Not sure how old you are but exercise, even a 30 minute walk a day, has tremendous benefits particularly as you age. Weight training of some sort is essential for your bones as you age. Women form osteoporosis quickly as we age.
Getting old is fun. 😂 all you can do is take care of your body the best you can.
@pirone27 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! When things are out-of-normal, it can really be upsetting, right?!
I'm glad you checked in with your doctor just be to sure. There are a few factors that could cause the bubbles you see. Perhaps the cleaning products you use in the toilet. Perhaps dehydration; are you getting enough fluids daily? Perhaps the force of the urine stream when you urinate. Perhaps some medications. Your numbers look great!
As @cl2020 and @itchyd have commented, things look good from our non-medical persons' standpoints. Very pleased you are staying on top of your health.
When I was first diagnosed in 2008 with stage 2 chronic kidney disease -- IgAN (glomerulonephritis), high protein in my urine (proteinuria), decreased kidney function, nephrotic syndrome, etc. -- one of my symptoms was "foamy" urine. My nephrologist told me if you see bubbles after you pee and they pop, that's normal, but urine that looks like thick foam, does not pop/dissolve, and just stays there, that could indicate kidney issue(s).
My kidney issues resolved after a long treatment then went into remission. It's good you saw a doctor. If you experience kidney-related symptoms, I recommend seeing a nephrologist asap, if you have not done so already.
Best wishes!
Thank you for your response!
Interestingly, the urinalysis came back with no protein at all. I was confused because in my doctor’s office, she said she saw protein. When ai questioned her on it, she said the lab is more precise. She said there was no blood found in urine. And my culture came back good. She can’t explain the bubbles but didn’t seem to worried now.
My doctor called me day after Christmas and said my lab results were in and she was pleasantly surprised. She said there was NO protein found. I was confused since she tested it in her office and saw protein but she said the lab is more precise. She said there was no blood found in urine either. And the culture came back good.
I further questioned her about if she thought the bubbles in urine would stop if I continued to not eat all those protein bars but she said no she didn’t think so since there was no protein found. She couldn’t explain the bubbles but didn’t seem overly concerned. I asked if i should come back in a few weeks to get my urine tested again but she said I can call her office to give them an update on the bubbles but if i was that concerned, I should go to a urologist.
When the bubbles first happened, I was home sick with a cold. My mouth felt really dry, but i couldn’t understand that because ai drink lots of water. I drink anywhere between 67-80 ounces a day.
I have all these issues with my bowels and was on miralax for a whole year. I weaned off of it in August and was drinking coffee to help stimulate a bowel movement. I was drinking strong coffee. Have you ever heard of coffee making bubbles in urine?
Also, yesterday I almost thought the bubbles were improving. I couldn’t see them anymore unless I spread my legs and looked into toilet while peeing. By the time, I wiped the bubbles were gone. Today, however, the bubbles are back to how they were before. They aren’t covering the whole toilet bowel but still concerning. It can’t be cleaning products but i am seeing the bubbles in each toilet I use.
Wow thank you so much for your response!! It looks like my bubbles are popping, at least most of the bubbles poo!! This makes me feel better!!! Thank you so much!!
I'm so glad, it sounds like your bubbles are normal :-). It's been 15+ years since my kidney disease diagnosis and later remission, and I still pee bubbles that pop. It's normal, no big deal. But if I ever see foam again vs. bubbles then I'll go see my nephrologist.
I thought I had bubbles (not foam) but when I showed my primary doctor a picture, she thought it looked like foam because it was on top of urine. I didn’t quite understand what she meant at the time.
But talking to you, I really do think its bubbles since they do pop or just disappear.
I am so happy to hear you are in remission. Thats wonderful and hope you continue to stay in remission. When you do have these pee bubbles, how long do they last for you?
Thank you so much for your response. I never heard of the word froth before. I hope that’s what this is.
You are right, I do need to exercise more. I will be 41 in a couple weeks. I used to walk daily now my only exercise is getting my steps in while at work. I am going to try and have a more balanced diet including a little more sugar.