Prostatectomy Question? Side effects outweigh benefits?

Posted by fuzzy123 @fuzzy123, Jul 30, 2023

My doctors told me they no longer due Prostatectomies as the side effects far outweigh the benefits !! But I see many of you are ??? And some are still getting them done at the Mayo Clinic and other Medical Centers !!!
So who is right and who is wrong here ???
I had 44 external beam radiation treatments!!

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About two years ago, my prostate was removed due cancer, now the las PSA test was .31, I took a pet scan and it showed an anormalidad brote lite in the área, due to my concern, what is your advice to take care of the problem?

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I would never suggest a treatment. I am not a doctor. And the thing I've really become aware of is everybody situation is different.

Your current health status has a lot to do with it. My cancer was very, very aggressive, and I was way too young for Stage 4, therefore, being in good health, the treatment plan was aggressive as well.

I am blessed to have an awesome doctor. She will talk to me as long as I have questions. And....I have had a lot of questions. I usually make a list and take it with me. I will tell you this: Radiation was painless. The hormone treatments had some side effects but not too bad. Chemotherapy is horrible. I would compare it to being really, really hungover all the time, like 24-7. And of course, surgery really hurts.

Just keep on asking questions.


Perhaps people are too polite to say it, but any MD who says "we don't do prostatectomies anymore" is either misinformed, lying, or marketing (and perhaps more than one of those three?!) The MDs I'm looking for are able to talk about nuance, ambiguity, and relative values. They can discuss situations where certain treatment plans are preferable and situations where they are less desirable. They have experience as well as familiarity with research following clients who have had different presenting profiles and treatment plans over extended periods of time, including those for whom initial treatments proved inadequate and/or undesirable. They know not only their own opinions but those of their colleagues in the field, whom they respect. They have had patients die and grieved the loss. They have personally wrestled with tradeoffs between quality of life and length of life for people they care about, if not themselves. Those are the MDs I'm looking for, and they will generally be happy to provide the treatments they are best qualified to provide and familiar with colleagues who can provide the treatments they are not best qualified to provide. Any urologist of excellence, given the shortage in the field, has plenty of work and should not need to push people toward their own specialties. And an MD who is ethical in the consultation room is more likely to be ethical in the operating room, the radiology lab, and the chemo protocols, not to mention the billing protocols.


My research has shown me that at 3 months and 5 years the results are about the same. I decided that I wanted it out , had the RALRP July 18th. I can always follow up with Radiation therapy /ADT. after radiation you can't have surgery. It was an easy decision for me. no regrets.


I had a 3+3 in one core my urologist wanted to operate but I went to a radiologist at Nebraska Med Center for a second opinion he suggested watchful waiting I still with my Urologist but I only seen his assistant I am doing PSA ever 90 days a MRI and biopsy once a year

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