Prostate Supplements

Posted by jayhall @jayhall, May 7 9:47am

My Urologist suggested I go on Prostate 2.4 by Theralogix has anyone taken this to help reduce your PSA and help shrink the Prostate. I'm considering going on this but I can't find anything that says it actually works.

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I hasve been taking their supplement called "Prosteon" for several years. It's a good mix of supplements fior just about anything, but especially Prostate Cancer survivors. My Urologist recommended it. Doctors who refer you get a 20% commission from Theralogix, according to their website.

jay, you might be interested in this K I'd looked at this product because it simplifies supplementation, although at elevated cost. This article:// lists separate supplements and what is considered in each of them. Soy, vitamin e, lycopene (if I remember) are in 2.4. And may help your decision.
Antioxidants interfere with radiation effect so the advice is to avoid them during treatment. Outside of treatment with radiation lycopene, D3 and magnesium are good choices.
Wishing you luck.


I would research what is in the product. There are a lot of supplements that have studies saying they help and other studies saying they do not.

That makes it very hard on a patient to know what supplements have been shown to help. I do know that research going on at UFHPTI shows that antioxidants to help protect the cells. Now which one specifically help the prostrate. That is where the research and feedback is all over the place.

Good luck,

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