Anyone had colpocleisis surgery? I want to learn more

Posted by luftmensh1 @luftmensh1, Jul 3, 2021

What happened to the lady who was having significant bleeding problems 8 days after colpocleisis surgery?

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As someone who also had this surgery, and had great results, I agree. It is miracle surgery.😊


I commented on this last year after having this surgery. I said it was a miracle then and it continues to be. Very little pain, short recovery period, and I would highly recommend it.

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I have been very encouraged reading about the outcome of everyone’s Colpocleisis surgery. I had my surgery on January 31, 2024. I am in my ninth week of recovery. One night stay in the hospital & came home with a catheter for about a week after. I also had very little pain. The most concerning part for me was making sure to take the stool softeners as prescribed so as not break the stitches by straining. I am 86 years old and so happy I decided to have the surgery. Being up and about & getting back to my normal life feels wonderful. I hope this will help someone who may be contemplating having this surgery.


I had Copoclesis surgery with a Perrinoraphy on 7 December 2023. Had Bladder infection within 3 days that took 4 courses of antibiotics to clear up. I saw the surgeon yesterday as still in discomfort and not feeling well 8 weeks later. She said it is major surgery and having a bladder infection would not help in recovery it would probably be 12 weeks before stitches were healed and I felt better. Everything seems to be a lot more of a problem than I had expected. I just think I have been very unlucky

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Are you doing OK?


I commented on this last year after having this surgery. I said it was a miracle then and it continues to be. Very little pain, short recovery period, and I would highly recommend it.

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I am very pleased that you recovered so quickly. This wasn't my experience as above at the 8 week check with Consultant, she trimmed a stitch which was sticking into me, said it won't bleed. By the time I got home I was bleeding. That was 2 weeks ago. Now at 10 weeks, I still have stitches and some discomfort and burning, I would love a glass of wine but that seems to make everything worse. The Consultant said to use Oveston cream, which I use with my finger. I can't wait to get to 12 weeks when hopefully everything will feel fine. I think perhaps anyone having this operation should be very careful choosing their surgeon.


I commented on this last year after having this surgery. I said it was a miracle then and it continues to be. Very little pain, short recovery period, and I would highly recommend it.


I had Copoclesis surgery with a Perrinoraphy on 7 December 2023. Had Bladder infection within 3 days that took 4 courses of antibiotics to clear up. I saw the surgeon yesterday as still in discomfort and not feeling well 8 weeks later. She said it is major surgery and having a bladder infection would not help in recovery it would probably be 12 weeks before stitches were healed and I felt better. Everything seems to be a lot more of a problem than I had expected. I just think I have been very unlucky


Thank you for your response
Question did u get a title hysterectomy and a closure vaginal so that your prolapse won’t fall out anymore
That’s what I’m considering .
And how painful was your surgery after surgery and reconvery
I am 65 yrs old now
And I am so terrified!
Also with the Urodynamic procedure
Thanking u in advance

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I had colpocleisis (La forte technique) on 1/16/24. So 3 days out. I will report more later but I was expecting some pain. Results following surgery - moderate bleeding day 1 decreasing to very minimal on day 3. I actually feel the same as I did prior to surgery. No pain. I did not change my own pessary. I went to the Dr. For that every 4-5 months. It was getting tighter and more difficult to remove. I'm 81 and know that everyone is different and I agreed to try this surgery. At thi point, there is no prolapse and no urine leakage. That might change. I will report progress after giving it some time.

change. The procedure itself was easy for me.


I must confess that I received a notice in my email that I had a question or response from someone on this site. Unlike earlier notifications like this, the new one led me on a confusing path that invited me to create a new account or use my password to respond. I haven't needed to use my password in so long that I had to look it up. Fortunately, it worked. The only comment I was able to find didn't really require a response. Very discouraging.


I have had three prolapse surgeries, uterine prolapse surgery in 2011…vaginal prolapse surgery in 2017 and rectocele repair 5 weeks ago. Recovery was going well until I developed a UTI over two weeks ago. Per my urogynocologist…vaginal bacteria has gone into my bladder. I took Cephlex until she got lab results, then was put on Flagyl…now am taking Leviflaxin, my third antibiotic. I have the constant urge to pee, it is maddening, especially at night. The doctor gave me a 14 day supply of Gemtessa (Vibegron) to help with symptoms and I have made an appt to see a urologist in two weeks. Does anyone else struggle with constant UTIs? I go online and read about these things, and it causes more anxiety, not good with feelings of urgency to pee. I may not be on the right thread…oh…and when I looked for a possible appt with Phoenix Mayo I saw they only treat issues like this for females from ages 12-65…unless I misunderstood.

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I have recurring UTI'S for at least 6 months & before. I have taking Methenamine Hipp 1 gram twice a day (every 12 hours). For the last 4 months I have not had an UTI. I am scheduled to have Colpocleisis surgery because of my stage 4 bladder prolapes. I'm praying that this will also help my UTI problem too.


JANUARY 31, 2025

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That should be January 31, 2024

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