pristiq allergic reaction?

Posted by da69 @da69, Jun 22, 2023

Visited Mayo and was put on Gabapention and Prestiq 3 weeks ago and Gabapention i could tell started working right away.
However this week i can barely sleep due to itching something terrible....Feels like bugs are crawling on me.
Messaged Mayo and they called me and said to stop taking as i may be starting to get a allergic reaction to it as it is building up in my system.
I am on my starting dose of 50mg.
Has anyone else had this issue?
My head...neck,ears and eyes are itching like crazy.
Shout out to Mayo nurse for calling me personally after i messaged doctor through the portal.
They said doc would get in touch with me tomorrow when she gets back in to work.
I am bummed because i was starting to feel like my mind was starting to finally slow down some.
Hopefully i dont have to start over on something else as i feel it was starting to work and my options are limited as i am a poor metabolizer of most meds i have tried according to the results of my visit.

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Still itching...Was told it could be Gabapenten and not the Pristiq which i started both at the same time.
So the wait continues to see if the itching stops.
With my luck Gabapenten will be the culprit.
Starting to feel dizzy on day 2 of not taking Prestiq.
Thankfully i am only 3 weeks in on both meds.
Im tired of the spinning wheel of meds and these meds i could tell were working better than anything else i have taken....Figures!!


Still itching...Was told it could be Gabapenten and not the Pristiq which i started both at the same time.
So the wait continues to see if the itching stops.
With my luck Gabapenten will be the culprit.
Starting to feel dizzy on day 2 of not taking Prestiq.
Thankfully i am only 3 weeks in on both meds.
Im tired of the spinning wheel of meds and these meds i could tell were working better than anything else i have taken....Figures!!

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Could you send another message asking for something for the itching? There are over the counter and prescription options. Good luck, I'm pulling for you!


Itching is getting better after stopping pristiq but withrawals are kicking in.
dizzy...ears popping
and brain zaps.
only 3 weeks on 50mg and withdrawals like this.

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