Prevent (almost all) ovarian cancer!?!

Posted by sallyr @sallyr, Jan 11, 2023

"An opportunistic salpingectomy is the removal of the fallopian tubes and a procedure that people with fallopian tubes can elect to have at the time of other surgeries in the abdominal or pelvic area, in order to eliminate their risk of the most common form of ovarian cancer."
Memorial Sloan Kettering: information too late for most of us here, but not for our family or friends. The gist: most ovarian cancer starts in the fallopian tubes and then goes to the ovaries. The tubes don't do anything but carry the egg to the uterus, make no hormones, unlike the ovaries; with the possibility of IVF removing the tubes doesn't even remove fertility. A big study in Canada with 25,000 people after salpingectomy--0 ovarian cancer of any kind. I'm an OC survivor (So far) and know it's almost always diagnosed very late. This could save many of our sisters' lives.
(Scroll down and down for a transcript of the video)

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