
Posted by sarahsmith0321 @sarahsmith0321, Jan 30, 2023

In 2020 I gave birth to my son at 24 weeks due to severe preeclampsia. We have talked about trying for a second baby in the next year or two but have many questions. Has anybody went through this and got pregnant again?

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My experience is from 27 years ago so I’m sure some things have changed/advanced. I had preeclampsia with my son. He was born 6 weeks early (4lbs 10 oz). He spent a couple of weeks in the NICU and I had an infection. 8 years later I was pregnant with my daughter. I was on bed rest for much of the pregnancy and constantly monitored. I didn’t develop preeclampsia but did get high blood pressure. She was born 5 weeks early at 5 lbs. Didn’t need the NICU. Both are strong and healthy adults.

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