Pray for me.

Posted by 507 @507, Nov 15, 2022

Please pray for me. My former spouse is here. He's pretending to fix an AC unit that was condemned by the experts. He doesn't want to have to spend $14,000 on it. But if the unit is not replaced with a new unit it carries the safety risk of exploding fire hazard and good leak carbon monoxide. My attorney doesn't care. I'm the one who will live at the house and I will have to spend the winter here with the safety risk.

Because I use a walker and I can't walk like before, I left the door unlocked. So when he got here, he does have equal rights to the land and the property, he called the sheriff's Office and lied. He said that I didn't let him come in. He screamed outside and I responded twice that it was opened. The truth is he was inside the house for a while. But, he went outside before the sheriff got here and he drove his car to the side making it look like I didn't let him in.
I did record him as he entered the house the first time. From outside my bedroom he asked me several times if I wanted him to wear a mask. I didn't answer because he lies and afraid of him. My bedroom door has been lock the entire time except when the sheriff came in.
When my ex-shows up, I medicate bc I get a lot of flash backs. I cry and cry. It takes me a long time. When he shows up the medications almost don't work.

He decided to text yesterday about coming today. He is aware of what happens to me when I see him. He makes me feel suicidal.
I think he wanted me gone. Didn't matter how. Somehow I think that I can't help but to want to grant him this wish, emotionally speaking. Some people will tell me what is wrong with you. I know that is not normal but I think this is how it works. My unconscious wants to die to make him feel happy. The same for my other family members. It is a feeling that I fight but many times overwhelms me. It is almost impossible not too.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Depression & Anxiety Support Group.

@507, please think of yourself and take care of your safety first. You have taken the first important step on the path to safety – telling someone.

Please visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline website On this website you will find a phone number to call 1-800-799-7233 or you can use the online chat and get help without saying a word.
By calling the Hotline, you can work with professionals to find safety and solution that is right for you.


@507 Who owns the home where you are living? Is this a rental that you can move out of? Are you receiving any disability or social security income in order to support yourself? Do you have other family members, adult children or relatives that can help you and be there to talk to?

Have you contacted the sheriff yourself? It's common for someone who wants to control everything to act like a victim and to call a sheriff and blame someone else trying to paint a picture to protect themselves while they continue being abusive. A sheriff is a good source for the community services that they can find in your county for elder abuse or battered women. There is help out there, but you need to ask for it.

How is your attorney involved in this? If this attorney was involved because of a divorce, they may consider that their job is over. That is why it is better for you to talk to a sheriff and to look for ways to break ties and leave this situation. You don't need to make this person happy. It is easy to think that would make the abuser stop, but it won't. He is what he is, and you can't change him. Please take care of yourself because you are worth it.


I pray for you and your husband, as well as sheriff personnel and others who could/should be helping you. Please find a safer place to live.


I'm so sorry you are going through this! I will definitely pray for you along with everyone else. You pray for yourself too. You don't have to do a "formal" prayer to talk to God. He is your best friend! After all he made you. He will listen anytime you want to talk to him. Just talk to him and tell him how scared you are and why. Ask him to help you and to please hurry up!

Call the Sheriff and talk to him or others and explain the situation. Maybe you should call the Mayor's office too.
Also just forget those people that want you gone. Don't talk to them even if they are family members. They don't care about you. Not all of us have the perfect family. I know I sure don't and neither does my husband. We don't let them ruin our happiness. Don't let the people who seem to hate you ruin your happiness either.

I wish the best for you and I will pray for you.



@507 Who owns the home where you are living? Is this a rental that you can move out of? Are you receiving any disability or social security income in order to support yourself? Do you have other family members, adult children or relatives that can help you and be there to talk to?

Have you contacted the sheriff yourself? It's common for someone who wants to control everything to act like a victim and to call a sheriff and blame someone else trying to paint a picture to protect themselves while they continue being abusive. A sheriff is a good source for the community services that they can find in your county for elder abuse or battered women. There is help out there, but you need to ask for it.

How is your attorney involved in this? If this attorney was involved because of a divorce, they may consider that their job is over. That is why it is better for you to talk to a sheriff and to look for ways to break ties and leave this situation. You don't need to make this person happy. It is easy to think that would make the abuser stop, but it won't. He is what he is, and you can't change him. Please take care of yourself because you are worth it.

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You are right. However, we both own the property in the land. I don't have anywhere else to go. My sons don't want me. They think I'm going to wait on the shoulders. One of them helps me sporadically to put up my groceries in my garbage in the dump. I don't have family to help me really. And yes you're right the attorney I think he is done with it. I think he just doesn't care. I think he was done with the case even when it wasn't done. I think I may have or I may call the sheriff and explain the situation. Thank you for your thoughts thank you for writing back to me. I suffer from depression he has known that even before we got divorced. He knows how my Health works. So he does things like these to give me stress to make me sad to remind me of the things that have happened. And we are in the process of selling the property.


I pray for you and your husband, as well as sheriff personnel and others who could/should be helping you. Please find a safer place to live.

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Thank you so much for praying for me. He's only my spouse under God, but he's no longer my legal spouse. We got a divorce. I am going to pray for you too. Thank you and if you could please pray for my sons today have a good heart and I sound mind and don't follow the wrong. We are in the process of selling the property and also the awarded things that they gave me. The only problem is I'm slow and I want to sell the award that goods for some money. He's watching me to sell things or to sell my things with the property. But I need the money. For one thing I didn't get enough. I don't have medical insurance. But I'm trying to say is I will be without medical insurance pretty soon and I don't know what I'm going to do. I have applied for social security benefits but I don't have them yet. Thank you so much for your comments your thoughts they really help me out.


I'm sorry in advance for this answer but you dont need prayer you need action. 1st thing is put a restraining order on him to keep his distance. Do not rely on that, people break the law all the time. Your selling the house but the A/C is going to cost you 14,000 dollars that sounds like alot of money. Did he get the quote to keep you there until the house sells? I would have a trusted freind help you get another quote and maybe that will help you sell the house sooner. As an older adult the position your in is just terrible first and foremost be safe, have 911 on speed dial and let the neighbors know so they can also be on the lookout. Good luck


You are right. However, we both own the property in the land. I don't have anywhere else to go. My sons don't want me. They think I'm going to wait on the shoulders. One of them helps me sporadically to put up my groceries in my garbage in the dump. I don't have family to help me really. And yes you're right the attorney I think he is done with it. I think he just doesn't care. I think he was done with the case even when it wasn't done. I think I may have or I may call the sheriff and explain the situation. Thank you for your thoughts thank you for writing back to me. I suffer from depression he has known that even before we got divorced. He knows how my Health works. So he does things like these to give me stress to make me sad to remind me of the things that have happened. And we are in the process of selling the property.

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@507 I am so glad to hear from you! I was worried about you. Here are some more thoughts.....

You can contact your county's senior resources office and ask about low income housing that might be available to you. I'm taking a guess because I don't know your age or degree of disability. Start looking for your next place to live. That will give you hope and something to think about. Are you able to drive and own a car? If not, is there public transportation where you could relocate? I think that your son who has helped with groceries and garbage detail does care about you, and you should discuss your plans with him to leave this situation. Perhaps he can help get the property fixed up for selling. Make sure you tell him how much you appreciate and need him. That will probably soften him a bit. That will make you feel better too in expressing gratitude to the people you love. Churches also sometimes help fix up properties for senior citizens. Are you living in a rural area and are there other considerations such as animals that would need to be moved? There are Medicaid insurance plans for low income people. You might find help locating that through a social security office or senior resource center. It may limit the covered providers you can see, but it is health coverage.

What might help is to write out a list and a plan in steps of what needs to be done to sell the home and leave this situation, and to move on to a new start somewhere else. You have to be your own best friend and tell yourself how to do this. Make sure to write down phone numbers and websites that you might need as resources in your quest. This starts with a single step and believing in yourself. This is your chance to reinvent yourself and develop new interests. You CAN do it and you will discover new things about yourself.

I went through a similar situation long ago with a failed first marriage and it was very hard to be the person who was rejected when I had done nothing wrong. My life wouldn't be as good as it is now if that hadn't happened. I did reinvent myself. I was young at the time and wanted to go to art school. I asked my parents and they paid for my school. It was a tough classical art education learning to draw and paint, and I told myself with everything that I was doing well, if I could do this artwork reasonably well now, what will it become when I am no longer depressed and sad? I rebuilt my confidence with every brush stroke and drawing that came in small steps of success. Of course in learning, there will be a lot of bad work with mistakes in drawing, but that is when you are learning the most when you are struggling. It won't always be that way. Just find something that brings you joy when you work at it and do it just for fun. Don't take it too seriously and you never have to show it to anyone. You don't have to have a lot of art talent to try this... even just doing a craft or sewing a quilt can make you feel better when you do something creative.

I have a very difficult situation with my siblings that I struggle with, and it has helped me tremendously to be here on Connect helping people, and because I have a relationship with the other mentors who really care about me. We do help each other too behind the scenes as this is a forum about health topics, and difficult experiences with health teaches all of us how to cope and heal as best we can. I have learned from every difficult and fearful situation in my life and become stronger. That is exactly why I can offer my experience here where it is valued.

What steps can you take? What should you do as a first step toward your freedom?


Wow. You gave a lot of good information. I am going to come back to this post often. You raised a lot of issues that I need to think about. I appreciated.
You ask if I can drive. Out of all the things, God didn't completely take it away from me. I only drive when it is an absolute necessity.
The area is rural. My son took the cat back for now.
I'm considering living in another state. With everything going on in my life and I don't mean the divorce, I feel vulnerable and sometimes is almost like I feel confuse even though I shouldn't be. Here I know where everything is but if I go away/ it will take a long time. But, that may be this is what I need.
My sons don't realize it bc they are young. My dad died at 62 yo. I seem to be one of his children that inherited most of his health issues. I even look like him.
I shouldn't think like this but I can't help but to see the similarities between him and I. I am close to 50. So, you know what I am thinking.
I just want to have peace and tranquility for right now. It is hard when I think about leaving but I think that's probably what I will do.
Thank you for sharing your personal story. It was amazing to hear you say it.
I have been planning what I am going to do next. I don't know how much could be accomplish but I will try.
You are the second person to tell me this. That I needed to be rejected and it wasn't my fault. That life probably will be better because of it. I hope so.
I will come back to the message. I don't remember things in order anymore and if I do it take me a while.
I am going to leave it here for now. Ty!


I'm so sorry you are going through this! I will definitely pray for you along with everyone else. You pray for yourself too. You don't have to do a "formal" prayer to talk to God. He is your best friend! After all he made you. He will listen anytime you want to talk to him. Just talk to him and tell him how scared you are and why. Ask him to help you and to please hurry up!

Call the Sheriff and talk to him or others and explain the situation. Maybe you should call the Mayor's office too.
Also just forget those people that want you gone. Don't talk to them even if they are family members. They don't care about you. Not all of us have the perfect family. I know I sure don't and neither does my husband. We don't let them ruin our happiness. Don't let the people who seem to hate you ruin your happiness either.

I wish the best for you and I will pray for you.


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I wonder Why God does not answer the prayers from people in Ukraine?

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