POTS &”allergic” reactions

Posted by potsmystery @potsmystery, Aug 3, 2023

My daughter is 15, has POTS, had a spinal fusion at 11,that involved 12 vertebra. She manages all well with high salt content and regular exercise. About 6 months ago she started getting random rashes that burn and tingle in her elbows, ears, knees and face. These last about 30 minutes. I had her tested and she is not allergic to anything and does not have high histamines per her blood work. Shes exhausted after they subside and they occur several times a month. Possibly this is MCAS ? We are working with a specialist and considering HBOT. Has anyone had any experience with these rashes or the HBOT treatment? Thank you!

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Has your daughter gone to a dermatologist?


By HBOT do u mean Hyperbaric 02 treatments? You didn’t mention in first past of your comments that she had had HBOT, just that she has POTS.


Accupuntuure seems to help with lots of condions these days and get the body's energy and alignment back into focus. I haven't used it for my many cancers but when my husband had radiation to his neck for neck and throat cancer, it helped with his salvia production that helped with his digestion which helped with him being able to taste food again. I know not your daughter's symptoms but it's all about the alignment and energy of the body.


Accupuntuure seems to help with lots of condions these days and get the body's energy and alignment back into focus. I haven't used it for my many cancers but when my husband had radiation to his neck for neck and throat cancer, it helped with his salvia production that helped with his digestion which helped with him being able to taste food again. I know not your daughter's symptoms but it's all about the alignment and energy of the body.

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Thank you


By HBOT do u mean Hyperbaric 02 treatments? You didn’t mention in first past of your comments that she had had HBOT, just that she has POTS.

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Yes I’m considering Hyperbaric oxygen tx for her. Do you have any insight or experience with this?


Yes. I had it three yrs ago at 50% oxygen pressure. I highly recommend that she do the same and maybe go up in increments. I hope all goes well for her.


Yes. I had it three yrs ago at 50% oxygen pressure. I highly recommend that she do the same and maybe go up in increments. I hope all goes well for her.

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Did it helps your POTS or MCAS symptoms or were you doing it for something unrelated? Thank you.


I was hoping for some relief from Fibromyalgia pain including migraines. But instead I hurt more for three days after I had it. Then noticed no improvements after that.


I was hoping for some relief from Fibromyalgia pain including migraines. But instead I hurt more for three days after I had it. Then noticed no improvements after that.

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Thank you for the info!

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