Postpartum Anxiety: Link b/t MTHFR and MCAS & POTS
I’m 6 months postpartum and have been struck with debilitating anxiety/panic attacks (they come on for seemingly no reason). Also having symptoms of hyperadrenergic POTS. Reading that MCAS can be related, and I have a history of weird/random anaphylaxis and hives/itching. I also tested positive for a MTHFR gene variant, which I’m reading might be involved. Any postpartum mamas out there who have gone through something similar?
Thyroid issues have been ruled out -symptoms are almost 100% to Graves Disease.
Woke up feeling myself after taking benedryl (was having itchy skin) one night. As I learn more about anxiety, some antihistamines help. But if there is an underlying MCAS issue, then I’m reading that antihistamines are helpful for this too.
Is this just “normal” postpartum anxiety or is there a deeper root cause that I might be on to here?
I’m waiting to get a tilt table test done. Who should I see for MCAS? Immunology?
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