Post Polio Syndrome and VA disability

Posted by macdaddy @macdaddy, Feb 4 11:13am

I enlisted in the Navy in 1974; diagnosed with polio in 1958. Recruiter strongly suggested not to say anything and see if they found it - they didn't. Now been diagnosed with Post Polio Syndrome and looking for some VA suport....

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Hey macdaddy,
If you haven’t submitted a claim yet I would suggest getting with an attorney that has experience with government claims.
I am a victim of the Camp Lejuene contaminated water and I was diagnosed with stage IV throat cancer in 2016 and had to go on disability…fast forward, I contacted a law firm to represent me in the Camp Lejuene claim and they referred me with another firm to represent me with a VA disability claim…I decided to file with the VA without legal assistance and I was denied…their doctor deemed me disabled but stated my cancer was less than likely due to the contaminated water. The audiologist said I have hearing loss but less than likely caused by military service; my hearing is caused by my cancer treatments.
The VA responded to me with a denial and stated that I never had any complaints documented in my Marine Corps medical records! I was honorably discharged in 1984, how could I have anything in my records when I was diagnosed in 2016?
I then got the law firm involved and they appealed to a higher level. Last week it was in stage 2 of 8 and I sent a email to the White House asking if they could put pressure on the VA to ensure they are doing their jobs…the next morning it was announced that no more work from home and I went from stage 2 to 8 DENIED!
I think the water thing is all a big way to make us think they care?


@macdaddy, I hope you saw the helpful reply from @mojo244. You may also be interested in these related discussions:
- Post Polio Syndrome

- What does VA fiduciary appointed for 100% disability mean?

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