Anyone else had surgery for polymorphous adenocarcinoma?

Posted by sugardog @sugardog, Dec 2, 2022

I have just been diagnosed with Polyamorous Adenocarcinoma. Has anyone else had surgery for this? How long is recovery time and healing?

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Hello @sugardog and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I found some information that you may find helpful in terms of what you may expect from surgery.

- Salivary gland tumors:

How long ago were you diagnosed and when is your surgery scheduled for?


@sugardog, I moved your message to the Head & Neck Cancer group where you can connect with others who have had surgery of the salivary glands like @nursemaven @thelisamarie @kkelly1023 @dakotapat @garethseltzer @clevyjam and others.

As you probably know, there are different types of salivary gland cancers. Polymorphous adenocarcinoma tumors tend to start in the minor salivary glands. They usually (but not always) grow slowly and are mostly curable.

Do you know if your tumor is low-grade or high-grade? Or its size?


My tumor is low grade. Do not know the size. Dr says it is cure able if he get clean clear margins.


My tumor is low grade. Do not know the size. Dr says it is cure able if he get clean clear margins.

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When are you scheduled for surgery, @sugardog?


My tumor is low grade. Do not know the size. Dr says it is cure able if he get clean clear margins.

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Did you have any radiation? How long did you have the tumor before it was found out?


My husband is just diagnosed with PAC, waiting for molecular analysis now... Does anyone what the molecular analysis is for? Is it to distinguish from CAMSG? Or is it to confirm if it is low grade?

If you also had PAC, how long did you have it before it was found out?

We have a small child, I'm really worried...


My husband is just diagnosed with PAC, waiting for molecular analysis now... Does anyone what the molecular analysis is for? Is it to distinguish from CAMSG? Or is it to confirm if it is low grade?

If you also had PAC, how long did you have it before it was found out?

We have a small child, I'm really worried...

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Hello @qlovej and welcome to the Head and Neck group. Polymorphous adenocarcinoma is a rare situation indeed. It appears to be treatable by anyone familiar with this salivary gland tumor but it may prove difficult to find anyone familiar unless you consult a large clinic or cancer center.
I really can’t give you any more information than what you can find on the internet. I can only find one case with Mayo Connect and that was a couple years back with a person known as @sugardog , which you can search out using the search bar above.
Give this discussion a few days and someone might pop in with something.
Any treatment suggestions yet? Many of us here can help you with surgery and radiation advice.

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