Podiatrist procedure made it worse?

Posted by Steve @stevebern, Feb 12, 2023

Hey guys, I’ve got neuropathy in my feet, completely numb but very painful.

I noticed a couple of wounds on my feet, went to podiatrist, and he cut off the tops of the blisters/contusions because he said they were soon to be infected.

He also cut/pulled off a toenail that was black. All the wounds have healed nicely and are now gone.

None of this hurt as he was doing it, but the next day, and for the last three weeks, the pain has stepped up in both feet, all over, two or three points (out of ten).

Has anyone else had a trauma like this that made the overall pain worse?

I don’t blame the doc, the wounds were pretty nasty, but I’m now wishing for the pain level I had before this… and wondering if it will it go away. Neither my neurologist nor my podiatrist have said they’ve heard of/experienced this.



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Mine started almost 7 years ago as pins & needles, and a sensitivity to first socks, then shoes and has progressed to enough pain that I had to stop working last year.

They don't know what caused it, and there's nothing I can do... but one thing I would do, knowing now what I do:

I would travel to every item on my bucket list, walk the english fields and see the sights of the world... because I sure can't do that now.

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@stevebern—I hope you can revise your bucket list, and look at several of the travel sites for those of us with disabilities. Travel is still possible, even with pain, and a diminished mobility. If a wheelchair will make it possible, roll on! Just a thought that I am working on for me and my husband for the future.


Hi Steve.
I had both large toenails removed and lived happily ever after with no issues . It looks clean and good but the neuropathy symptoms like the stabbing now and then and the intense numbness are still there.
. I massage my feet with CeraVe cream at night and in the morning also I soak my feet nightly in hot water with a couple of ounces of Epsom salt.
Also, use it before bedtime 20 minutes of infrared light shoes and the same in the morning.
I do workout at the gym every day for one hour.
I am 84, walking with a cane for balance and life is as good as I allowed it to be.

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Hi MannyK
Looks like you do many things. Are they actually helpful? What is you didn't do one or none of them? Would you see a difference? It's great your able to work out an hour a day. There is so much suffering with u senior citizens. We have to have hope.


I had one toenail edge removed because of pain. It took time but did heal.

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