PN and Tamsulosin (Flomax)

Posted by Ray Kemble @ray666, Nov 16, 2023


Because I've complained of not fully emptying my bladder, my PCP has just given me a script for tamsulosin (Flomax). She and I have discussed my concerns about adding this new medication, especially a medication that lists dizziness among its possible side effects.

Neurologically speaking, I have idiopathic large fiber PN. My chief symptoms are poor balance and a wobbly gait. Fortunately, I've no pain. The only medication I've been advised to try––although it requires a doctor's script, it is categorized as "medicinal food"––is EB-N5. I've been taking EB-N5 for more than 140 days with no ill effects. (I do periodic labs to monitor my B vitamin levels, especially my B-6.) Positive effect of the EB-N5? Other than reporting that my symptoms have remained stable, that's hard to say.

Back to the topic at hand: This morning, I took my first 0.4 mg dose of tamsulosin. I'll take another each morning ½-hour after breakfast, letting my PCP know if I experience any adverse side effects. I thought I'd post this topic here, wondering if any of you have used––or are currently using––tamsulosin along with managing your PN.

Wishing you all well!
Ray (@ray666)

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Hello, all!

I'm the fellow who started this thread about PN and Tamsulosin. At the time, I'd only just been given the script by my PCP; I hadn't yet received the drug. I received the Tamsulosin six days ago and began the following day taking one cap per day, so I've now been taking Tamsulosin for four days. Why not five days? Well, that's why I'm posting again. I know that among Tamsulosin's side effects were possible dizziness and lightheadedness. My PCP had assured me that the odds of my being one of those vulnerable to the side effects were slim. But here's what happened. For three of the four days I had far more difficulty with my balance, more than what I consider my "normal" difficulty because of my PN. That made me suspicious. Last evening for the first time since receiving the Tamsulosin, I skipped the evening dose, and today for the first time since I began feeling the added wobbliness, I feel "normal" (in other words, I feel my by-now familiar––and manageable––PN wobbliness). I know my PCP told me it might take several days to get used to Tamsulosin. But now I'm wondering if there might be some substitute medication. I've left a message for my PCP, but I haven't heard back yet.

Ray (@ray666)

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Ray, I have been taking Tamsulosin for several months now along with Prostate Pro (OTC) both for BPH. I have not noticed the symptoms that you are sharing about.
My PN pain is basically just in my feet and seems to get worse at night. I am a little wobbly, but that for me seems to be more age related. (I am 80 yrs).
My PCP noticed that one of my occurrences was every night after having gotten into bed and during the day going into a reclining position. It was her thought that it might be low blood pressure. We cut my Losartan to 50mg from 100mg and my carvedilol from 25mg at night and 12.5mg in the morning to 12.5 mg in both evening and morning. After about a week my pain in my feet during bedtime or reclining decreased by about 60% So, anecdotally one of my supposed pains from NP was decreased. Sad to say, this did nothing for my PN pain that occurred sponatneously during other times of the day and evening.


Hello, all!

I'm the fellow who started this thread about PN and Tamsulosin. At the time, I'd only just been given the script by my PCP; I hadn't yet received the drug. I received the Tamsulosin six days ago and began the following day taking one cap per day, so I've now been taking Tamsulosin for four days. Why not five days? Well, that's why I'm posting again. I know that among Tamsulosin's side effects were possible dizziness and lightheadedness. My PCP had assured me that the odds of my being one of those vulnerable to the side effects were slim. But here's what happened. For three of the four days I had far more difficulty with my balance, more than what I consider my "normal" difficulty because of my PN. That made me suspicious. Last evening for the first time since receiving the Tamsulosin, I skipped the evening dose, and today for the first time since I began feeling the added wobbliness, I feel "normal" (in other words, I feel my by-now familiar––and manageable––PN wobbliness). I know my PCP told me it might take several days to get used to Tamsulosin. But now I'm wondering if there might be some substitute medication. I've left a message for my PCP, but I haven't heard back yet.

Ray (@ray666)

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My otherwise perfectly healthy 77 yr old husband has stopped and started the drug several times. He got severe vertigo and wobbly, couldn’t do his morning runs or exercise. His doctor has finally convinced him to take it 1 day a week, and without food or drink for a couple of hours. It helps but still makes him off a couple of hours that day. Those side affects must be real - I’m going to have him look at @johnbishop ’s suggestion.


Hi, John. A friend had one of these procedures recently, I'm not sure which one. Whichever it was, he's been pleased with the outcome––although the procedure itself (in my imagination) sounded like something other than fun. It seems it had to wear a catheter for a full week following the procedure. When I talk to him next, I'll ask more pointed questions. (I've still not gotten a reply from my PCP. That's unlike her. I'm sure I'll hear sometime today.) –Ray


I read both of your comments, I have small cell Neurothpy. It also gives me wobbly gait, and I shake in my buttocks. It’s very painful. And I’m allergic to anything that is a painkiller. Never heard of this medication, but I am on vitamins, B12, and B6, an alpha Olympic acids. Perhaps you could let me know, if this qualifies for a small cell neuropathy pain. It was a pleasure reading both of your comments. Thank you.

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Hi, Chapanddrew8, I'm not a doctor but I don't believe this class of drug will help you with any neuropathy pain. I'd suggest speaking with your PCP about Gabapenten starting off with a low dose. Gaba is not a pain releaver but does quiet the nerves down. I have neuropathy and it works with little to no side effects. I also take Flomax but I think I liked Finasteride better. Good luck!


Hi, Chapanddrew8, I'm not a doctor but I don't believe this class of drug will help you with any neuropathy pain. I'd suggest speaking with your PCP about Gabapenten starting off with a low dose. Gaba is not a pain releaver but does quiet the nerves down. I have neuropathy and it works with little to no side effects. I also take Flomax but I think I liked Finasteride better. Good luck!

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I am not able to take any kind of painkiller, or anything like gabapentin.


Numb Feet, no feeling in feet. No Help Yet? Can anyone offer some solutions?

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