Pmr & blood donations
Has anyone donated blood and then had your PMR symptoms return after getting them under control.
I have to donate blood as I also have hemochromatosis.
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I was donating blood regularly after my PMR went into remission and never had any PMR symptoms return. I had to stop donating blood a little over a year ago after having after being put on blood thinners for a DVT and POE.
wow @seajay35 - you have a second ailment that nobody has ever heard of !! when describing my symptoms and Dx of PMR to my coworkers , the wife of one of them worried that doctors hadn't ruled out Hemochromatosis! Then about a year later my cousin's daughter ( an adult) was diagnosed w HC, interesting that even tho' there is a genetic mutation , the symptoms don't occur until adulthood - isn't that correct?
Are you not getting an answer from your hematologist about the risk of the blood-letting causing flare up ?
Hemochromatosis is typically diagnosed through a blood test that measures iron levels and a genetic test to identify the HFE mutation.
The primary treatment for hemochromatosis is regular phlebotomy (bloodletting), which removes excess iron from the body.