PMR and magnesium supplements

Posted by smeethecroc @smeethecroc, Jan 28 4:41am

I am 19 weeks into my PMR treatment (9mg) and considering adding magnesium supplements to my diet any thoughts or suggestions would be helpful

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Magnesium is good, but make sure to buy a brand that doesn't have added vitamin B6 which for some reason is fairly common with magnesium supplements. The recommended intake of vitamin B6 is 1 - 2mg a day, and most people get that from diet. Too much B6 can cause peripheral neuropathy, and most people have no idea that some energy drinks and magnesium supplements are giving them a toxic dose of B6.


It is true that most Americans don't get enough Magnesium in their diets because we don't eat enough beans, greens, whole grains, nuts and seeds. That said, I eat plenty of these because I eat a primarily whole foods, plant-based diet, high in inflammatory foods. Occasionally I've had nighttime leg cramps, so also take a supplement of magnesium citrate (the most absorbable form).


It is true that most Americans don't get enough Magnesium in their diets because we don't eat enough beans, greens, whole grains, nuts and seeds. That said, I eat plenty of these because I eat a primarily whole foods, plant-based diet, high in inflammatory foods. Occasionally I've had nighttime leg cramps, so also take a supplement of magnesium citrate (the most absorbable form).

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I'm similar to you. I eat a lot of high magnesium foods, but I also supplement with magnesium citrate. Magnesium has a lot of benefits - it's good for bone health, constipation, and anxiety. Also some research says it might help with insomnia.


I shared my most recent bloodwork with my naturopathic health practitioner. I asked her for nutritional help while I was dealing with PMR. This is my first flare, 10 years after the initial PMR which lasted 1-1/2 years. She put me on an anti-inflammatory diet, suggested PT, and took me off certain supplements, added others. Given that I got osteopenia after the first go-round with prednisone, I was surprised she took me off calcium-magnesium-zinc tablet saying that per the blood test and my recorded diet I get plenty and there is a danger with too much calcium, even when on prednisone. She also took me off Vitamin D, turmeric-curcumin and told me to stop ibuprofen and try to eliminate acetaminophen--the latter because of their side effects and the former--curcumin (and D?)--because it interferes with prednisone. I am considering taking magnesium citrate given your comments as I get cramps in my feet. Thank you. I do eat a lot of dairy, whole grains, nuts, fruits/vegies (non-nightshade), basically a plant-based diet with non-mercury dense fish occasionally. The naturopath added a sublingual daily dose of vitamin B12, doubled my intake of Omega 3, and Zinc 15. Maybe all of this is very individualized based on blood tests, but maybe it's generalizable. For what it's worth, thought I'd share this. I am hoping through diet and moderate exercise (I tend to overdo) --and the Vit B12, I will get my energy back and get off prednisone sooner rather than later.

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