Pluvicto & Spreading

Posted by librarygirl @librarygirl, Dec 11, 2023

Hi everyone,

My husband is stage 4 spread to bones and lymph nodes. After PSA rising we were referred for 6 treatments of Pluvicto and next week will be his 4th out of 6 treatments. Last appointment the PSA was up triggering scans. Scans now show small spot on the liver and small spot on the bladder. We aren’t sure whether to continue Pluvicto or abandon ship and go back to chemo.. or something else. So much pressure and so many decisions to be made. We are working with our doctor of course but also wanted to reach out for similar experiences, stories, outcomes, etc. from this group? Thank you in advance.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

Just had 1st Pluvicto after 4 Chemo. Prayers and Hugs


@librarygirl, I'm glad that your husband's team is monitoring him closely. No one wants to continue treatment if it is not working. There are several discussions about Pluvicto in the support group. I think this one may be relevant for you:
- What is the recommended treatment after 6 Pluvicto doses?

I'm tagging fellow members @foamhand @rxharleydude @leebeth @robert570 @round5, who may have some experiences to add to this discussion.

So many decisions. I get how tough that is. Have you met with your husband's oncologist in the meantime?


Just had 1st Pluvicto after 4 Chemo. Prayers and Hugs

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@kbrz, how did your first Pluvicto treatment go?


@kbrz, how did your first Pluvicto treatment go?

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Better than any of my four Chemo treatments. I am nearing my three week blood work and Doctor meeting and will know more at that point. Non science, just how do I feel, I feel stronger daily and am back to the Gym and walking.
I was the first Pluvicto patient in my County and had representatives from all over in attendance. The process was less than thirty minutes and I drove myself home. Lots of hydration to clear your system and keeping safe distance from others per guidlines.
It went well.

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