Please help me find out why my left foot feels frozen,, especially the

Posted by vivianne777 @vivianne777, Oct 22, 2023

My left foot feels frozen, especially the toes. Sometimes the right foot feels that way too, but not as much. I do not know if this is due to the vertebrae impinging upon the spinal cord at the cervical level.
or if it is due to fracturing my sacrum about a month ago. I do not have any tingling in my hands at all.

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Hello @vivianne777, Welcome to Connect. I know it has to be frustrating not having the answer as to what is causing your symptoms in your left foot. Members on Connect are not able to diagnose and give advice but can share their similar experiences with you. It does sound like you may have a good idea of the possible cause with the nerve compression in the spinal cord. Have you seen a doctor or specialist for a diagnosis of what might be causing the symptoms in your feet?

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I have seen a doctor and i've had a lumbar MRI. This revealed a sub acute fracture of the sacrum, which has since mostly healed since it happened on september nineteen. What I do not know is if the fall could cause subsequent problems with the feet.
I hope to make a follow up appointment with the surgeon I saw in june to perhaps determine this. Thank you for your interest in this question.


I have had a lumbar m r I, Which detected the substitute fracture in the sacrum. ( The x ray did not)
I have previously seen a surgeon in Wichita, Kansas for the. problem detected via MRI with the vertebrae impinging upon the spinal cord. That was in july of this year. He stated that as long as I could manage pain in the neck and right ear with steroid injections, That I could avoid surgery.
However, This problem is in neither of those areas.
So I would ask you or anyone who would care to resbond if if the feet can also be affected by the the surgical problem mentioned above or if it is more likely due to a lumbar issue. I do not know, but it is troubling to say the least. Any assistance would be appreciated. I do have Cds of the Cervical area as well as the lumbar area. The surgeon mentioned has only seen the first c d. And his nurses have told me. I need another referral to him to address this new problem.

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Hello, Vivianne777,
I can certainly identify with you and the foot issues you describe. My experience has some similarities.
The pain and feeling of frozenness in my feet at night - not in the daytime - kept me from sleeping well for about 15 years before I had lumbar surgery in 2021, decompressing and fusing L2 to the sacrum. I had had some trouble with balance, but only occasionally. But every night around 10:00 extreme pain showed up in my feet. I had no clue what was going on and neuropathy was not tested for nor diagnosed. I thought it was due to stress, as my husband was having serious health problems during that time. Then about 5 months after surgery the pain, imbalance, and gait issues accelerated rapidly, along with pain, tingling, and numbness in my hands (which I hadn't had before spinal surgery) leading to diagnosis and treatments for P.N. I guess what I am saying is that for me, the P.N. in my feet had presented years before spinal surgery but post surgery it seems to have accelerated with increased pain, imbalance, and gait problems.
My doctors have told me there is nothing that cures neuropathy but physical therapy helps, including "class 4" laser therapy and Bemer treatments, plus Pregabalin and Tramadol. I'm 76, drive, and maintain my own home with the exception of the outdoor chores/pursuits.
I pray you will be guided to navigate your situation and your health/physical concerns! 💝
~ Barb


Thanks for your response. At present I do not even have a neurologist helping me. The one I had sadly passed away.
I know that the surgeon said he would have a low threshold for deciding to proceed with surgery if any of my symptoms got worse or New ones cropped up.
I do have severe spinal stenosis in the neck which puts pressure on the spinal cord in spinal nerves.
2 or 3 neck vertebrae would have to be removed. In order to relieve the pressure. Then the neck would need to be fused with hardware for support.
Not a pleasant prospect, But one that may be necessary.
I was not aware that this could also affect the feet prior to contacthis group.

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I think I have PN as well. For years I've had spinal stenosis, L5-S1 spondylolisthesis, herniated and bulging discs that no doctor would fix. Now it's too late for me. After THA 1-1/2 years ago anterior approach on a Hana table, my left foot is cold, heavy, the skin feels funny. My walking is slow, stumbling, painful left leg. The surgeon said he could have stretched or compressed the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve that could have caused this problem. I am going to try the physiatrist that was suggested in an earlier post and need to check out the color change in my ankles and lower leg. Doctors are like car salesmen, once you buy it, they're gone. Any suggestions?


Hi Vivianne 777/ Could be your feet and especially the left foot does not receive the required blood flow which normally would circulate through the lower legs, back up toward your heart. (Just a thought) I recently had vein restoration on both legs and they seem to be doing a lot better since the operation. Lately I started wearing compression socks which I hope one day soon will help my lower legs and feet with the swelling..


I think I have PN as well. For years I've had spinal stenosis, L5-S1 spondylolisthesis, herniated and bulging discs that no doctor would fix. Now it's too late for me. After THA 1-1/2 years ago anterior approach on a Hana table, my left foot is cold, heavy, the skin feels funny. My walking is slow, stumbling, painful left leg. The surgeon said he could have stretched or compressed the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve that could have caused this problem. I am going to try the physiatrist that was suggested in an earlier post and need to check out the color change in my ankles and lower leg. Doctors are like car salesmen, once you buy it, they're gone. Any suggestions?

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From my experience with this same symptom on my R leg from below the knee down, it sounds like nerve damage. Mine happened when I had a catheter relocation placed in my L5 S1. It’s miserable and I’ve been told that it is untreatable by two neuro surgeons. Do get your veins checked out. It’s an easy procedure. I’m a medically retired PA and I would suggest making an appointment with a neurologist when you can. I wish you lots of luck.


Thank you for your response. I have been using. graduated compression stocks with support hose under them., And that seems to help. I also elevate my feet with a pillow when I go to bed.. Don't know why but that seems to help also. The medical clinic where I go lost its only neurologist recently So now I have to find another one.
If it is not too personal, May I ask why?ay I ask why you have a catheter placed In your 1. L5 S-1?


I can’t speak for your injuries causing the frozen sensations. But I get the same horrible pain in both feet due to Small Fiber Neuropathy. It took 3 years to properly diagnose. But a diagnosis did not help the outcome as there is no cure. Just medications to lessen the symptoms. But not very much!!!! But it’s at least worth an inquiry for your neurologist. A skin biopsy is the most accepted test for proper diagnosis.
Good luck!!! Good health!!!


Thank you for this. I'm now wearing. compression socks to help with the problem.
My feet get cold., but to the outward touch ,they are not. This seems strange to me.. Have not found a neurologist yet. (Please pray for the excellent onenI i had who died in a boating accident trying to save one of his children.) He was excellent and referred me to several specialists that the GP probably would not even have thought of.
I go to see the surgeon this week to find out what he thinks. He's also an excellent doctor and will not do surgery unless it is absolutely necessary. He's not just out for the money as some are.
Play pray for me that I make the right decision in regard to this. Sometimes I have extreme pain across the lower half of the back of my head. I try to control it with aspirin or Tylenol.
I am sorry for your suffering as well. God be with you.


Because ofNeuropathy my feet and or legs feel icy cold even though they are actually warm to the touch. I wrap them in blankets and after about an hour they feel warm again. I’ve learned to keep my legs and feet covered all the time. This usually prevents the cold feeling from happening. Neuropathy started over 25 years ago in one toe.


Because ofNeuropathy my feet and or legs feel icy cold even though they are actually warm to the touch. I wrap them in blankets and after about an hour they feel warm again. I’ve learned to keep my legs and feet covered all the time. This usually prevents the cold feeling from happening. Neuropathy started over 25 years ago in one toe.

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Thank you for your response And for your good idea..
The earliest I can get surgery is January.. That's how far out the schedule is.This would be to correct the spinal problem that I know I have.. Hopefully it would fix the problem. I have been told by the doctor last june that once one loses a function, It does not return Work, I'm back.
So I'm a little concerned because things may progress further before I can get surgery..

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