Please help, i’m a teen and having unexplained bruising

Posted by sarahallal @sarahallal, May 29 12:00am

Hi, i’m a female and junior in highschool and about a week ago, I noticed some small blue bruises towards the top of my thighs and didn’t think much of it and now they’ve turned yellow. Overtime I’ve been getting bigger bruises on my legs and every day it’s been getting worse and some of the bruises are extremely itchy and some of them just show up overnight blue/yellow and some purple and yellow. these bruises aren’t from hitting my leg on anything I’m not very active at the moment. I don’t know what’s causing this. Nobody has any ideas please let me know if you think you could help.

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Hey There! Do you typically bruise easy anyway? I know I did when I was young.

I personally would go to a Dermatologist and get their take on this.

God Bless you and I wish you the best. Praying for you!


@sarahallal, this looks like something that needs professional medical attention. Have you made an appointment to see your doctor?


Hey There! Do you typically bruise easy anyway? I know I did when I was young.

I personally would go to a Dermatologist and get their take on this.

God Bless you and I wish you the best. Praying for you!

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Thanks for the advice! No it’s very new, God bless you too have a great day!


@sarahallal, this looks like something that needs professional medical attention. Have you made an appointment to see your doctor?

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i have not, i was in the ER recently and they said it was from me itching too hard but then i noticed they were showing up in spots i haven’t touched. Do you think i should go to the Mayo or a clinic?


i have not, i was in the ER recently and they said it was from me itching too hard but then i noticed they were showing up in spots i haven’t touched. Do you think i should go to the Mayo or a clinic?

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@sarahallal, I do believe that you should make an appointment with a medical professional. If you have a family doctor or primary care physician, I would start there.

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