Pink area on tongue

Posted by sdconger @sdconger, Apr 26 8:07am

I have MAI, latent TB, I was started on albuterol and 7% saline daily for airway clearance and INH and vitamin B6 for the latent TB several months ago. When I saw the dentist this week they asked about the spot on the side of my tongue how long I had it. I didn’t know it was there and had no idea how long. It doesn’t hurt is just pink with a white edge. They are going to watch it for 2 weeks to see if it changes. I feel like it must be related to one of the new meds or nebulizer treatments. Has anyone else had this?

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@sdconger Usually when I have gotten sores from my meds, the inhalers have been the culprit - can cause thrush and other things. And usually they hurt
Do you faithfully rinse out your mouth every time you use neb or inhaler to get the residue out?


I do, I brush my teeth and use a water pick after using the nebulizer.


Additionally you can rinse with liquid probiotic - sold at Whole Foods in the fridge meds section. It is what my dentist advised me to do. I also add some salt to the water that I use to brush and rinse my mouth after using symbicort. You can try- easy and might hepl


I’ll try it, thanks!

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