Photobiomodulation following fluorouracil treatment of the skin

Posted by cfbauer @cfbauer, Nov 25, 2022

I've just completed fluorouracil treament on my face for actinic keratosis. Does anyone know about the use of red and near inrared
wavelengths to help stimulate repair and ease the discomfort of the acute inflammatory response of the skin to fluorouracil?

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Hello @cfbauer - While we wait for other members to share their experience with red or near infrared therapy, I thought you might find the following articles on the topic helpful.

-- Combination-Based Strategies for the Treatment of Actinic Keratoses with Photodynamic Therapy: An Evidence-Based Review:
-- A controlled trial to determine the efficacy of red and near-infrared light treatment in patient satisfaction, reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, skin roughness, and intradermal collagen density increase:


I just started red light therapy for my GD. Only two sessions in and on a 4 week dose of prednisone (just started 2nd week) my skin is finally less inflamed and I’m not constantly scratching my skin raw. Not sure if it’s the addition of the red light or that my body is finally responding to the steroids, but red light therapy has shown to help in so many areas. This disease is so annoying and the itchiness was driving me to the point of insanity that I’m just throwing everything at it. My original dr seemed so laidback about treatment. I don’t know that she realizes that this constant itching can mess with someone’s mental health. Especially with someone that is going through stressful times in both work and home life. She didn’t want to give me this round of steroid treatment. I had to fight for it. She didn’t believe that stress was triggering my flare up. I know my body and how stress/anxiety can present itself in so many different ways. Anyway, I have an appointment with a new dermatologist. I’m going to continue red light therapy as I feel it’s helping. All you can do is try. Good luck!


Hello @cfbauer - While we wait for other members to share their experience with red or near infrared therapy, I thought you might find the following articles on the topic helpful.

-- Combination-Based Strategies for the Treatment of Actinic Keratoses with Photodynamic Therapy: An Evidence-Based Review:
-- A controlled trial to determine the efficacy of red and near-infrared light treatment in patient satisfaction, reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, skin roughness, and intradermal collagen density increase:

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Thank you so much for those great resources! Very informative and thorough.


I just started red light therapy for my GD. Only two sessions in and on a 4 week dose of prednisone (just started 2nd week) my skin is finally less inflamed and I’m not constantly scratching my skin raw. Not sure if it’s the addition of the red light or that my body is finally responding to the steroids, but red light therapy has shown to help in so many areas. This disease is so annoying and the itchiness was driving me to the point of insanity that I’m just throwing everything at it. My original dr seemed so laidback about treatment. I don’t know that she realizes that this constant itching can mess with someone’s mental health. Especially with someone that is going through stressful times in both work and home life. She didn’t want to give me this round of steroid treatment. I had to fight for it. She didn’t believe that stress was triggering my flare up. I know my body and how stress/anxiety can present itself in so many different ways. Anyway, I have an appointment with a new dermatologist. I’m going to continue red light therapy as I feel it’s helping. All you can do is try. Good luck!

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I'm sorry for my ignorance but what is GD? I think it would be hard to tell if it was the steroids or light therapy helping. Steroids such as prednisone have a very potent anti inflammatory effect and, if misused, can be immunosuppressive.


I'm sorry for my ignorance but what is GD? I think it would be hard to tell if it was the steroids or light therapy helping. Steroids such as prednisone have a very potent anti inflammatory effect and, if misused, can be immunosuppressive.

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It’s Grover’s disease. I have it also and it’s rather rare, not very treatable nor well known. The itching is awful and usually accompanies a rash just about anywhere but mainly affects torso area and unfortunately it’s for life, so far not much science done on it. A lot of MDs never heard of it and it can only be diagnosed by a biopsy. Just a quick synopsis.


I'm so sorry to hear that you have it. Hopefully the scientific community will investigate and look for more effective treatments or, even better, a cure.

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